Saturday, December 30, 2017

12/29/17 Friday December 29, 2017 (Hawaii - kickstand DL + Arnold press)

Training from Kauai Hawaii

1:20pm - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

1:50pm- Training session - kickstand DL + Arnold press

DB stacked 20lbs armbars x 1 + TGU x 1, switch hands
20lb halo x 5/5
Push-ups x 5
Pull-up x 2


Kickstand DL DB 35lbs dumbbells x 5/5
Arnold press DB 35lbs dumbbells x 5/5
Kickstand DL DB 40lbs dumbbells x 4/4
Arnold press DB 40lbs dumbbells x 5/5
Kickstand DL DB 45lbs dumbbells x 3/3
Arnold press DB 45lbs dumbbells x 5/5


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

3:00pm - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Saturday night, wrapping up the trip to Hawaii.  It's been great.  This training session was good yesterday.  Arnold Press is two dumbbells at sides, curl up with palms facing, press overhead with palms away at lockout. The feeling of two (dumb)bells overhead is something I have not experienced in quite some time as I have not double pressed overhead in a long while.  Today I played basketball and swam in the ocean (again).  Fantastic trip, feeling good all around.  A lot of relaxation but enough movement (and sunshine) to keep me happy.  A great way to be closing 2017, which has been a huge year for me.  Engagement in February, new house in June, sold old house in July, turned 40 in August, new job in October.  Wow.  Looking forward to closing the page on a very memorable year and turning my attention to a brand new year with more opportunities to come in 2018. From a training standpoint, I believe this will be the year that I achieve the Beast Press and get that 48kg pressed.  I believe I will do it with both arms.  The main thing is stay healthy and get to that goal the same way I have reached previous milestones.  Build a big base with consistency, never compromise form, pay attention to details, try and get just a little bit better every day.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

12/27/17 Wednesday December 27, 2017 (Hawaii - dumbell press + stepback lunges)

Training from Kauai Hawaii

1:20pm - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

1:50pm- Training session - DB PR + stepback lungges

DB stacked 20lbs armbars x 1 + TGU x 1, switch hands
20lb halo x 5/5
Push-ups x 5
Pull-up x 1

15 minutes superset:

Dumbell PR 50lbs x 3/3
DB 20lbs step back lunges x 3/3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

3:00pm - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Thursday.  Some interesting observations from the last couple of days.  Barbell deadlift on Monday.  Felt very solid through Monday and into Tuesday.  Mid day Tuesday, starting feeling the usual tightness in my left hip, wrapping around to low back on the L side.  I have realized over time that this issue results or is causes actually by tight hip flexors in the front of my legs.  I think the barbell deadlifts tightened those hips up quite a bit (movement I am not used to certainly not a surprise).  I was working hard on some lacrosse ball release and other mobility work on Tuesday evening and into Wed morning, which was helping, but still a bit frustrated.  As I thought about training on Wed, I determined that instead of doing goblet squats superset with dumbell presses, I would incorporate the Step back lunges instead because those have been so helpful lately.  I have been thinking there really is something about that movement that my body is really liking.  I believe it's the fact that the movement places some emphasis on the hip flexors and puts them into nice extension, with load.  I am not sure I am getting that with a lot of the other KB movements, or at least, some of the movements may be contributing to tightening up the hip flexors a bit and I need something intentional that is going to balance that out.  This training yesterday went very well.  I enjoyed practicing the dumbell military press, and the cues from Kevin to start with the palm facing me and then palm away in lockout were good tips.  The movement felt controlled, natural, and a little different than the KB press, so that difference was interesting to feel.  I liked it.  I also believe the step back lunges (holding a 20lb dumbell in each hand) were a very good choice.  I need to discuss these observations with Kevin when I get back.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

12/25/17 Monday December 25, 2017 (Hawaii - barbell deadlift)

Training from Kauai Hawaii

1:20pm - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

1:50pm- Training session - Barbell DL

DB 20lbs stacked TGU x 1/1
DB 40lbs kickstand DL x 5/5
Push-up x 5
Pull-up x 3

Barbell deadlift, conventional stance:

135 lbs x 3
145 lbs x 3
155 lbs x 3
165 lbs x 3
hanging from the bar
175 lbs x 3
185 lbs x 3
hanging from the bar
185 lbs x 3
185 lbs x 3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

3:00pm - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Tuesday.  Training yesterday, Christmas day from Kauai Hawaii while on vacation with my fiance and her family!  Had a lot of fun with this training session.  I have literally never done a training session with a focus on barbell deadlift.  I have almost never deadlifted with a barbell.  I have CLEARLY been missing out on a potential for very effective overall strength gains.  I have known this for some time but have not pulled the trigger to purchase a barbell for the home training gym.   I have the potential with my squat rack / pull-up bar already in the home gym and can make the move to get a few more MMA pads for the floor and have a good set up for deadlifting.  Need a bar and some plates.  I am going to talk to Kevin about this and determine how much it would cost to get a good barbell and plates.  Writing this the day after deadlifting, I am really respecting what an overall body lift it is.  My traps feel blown up, chest (holding the bar at lockout I presume), glutes, hamstrings, etc.  It's a different feeling than kettlebell lifting.  Seems like I would need more recovery time and some very intelligent programming with this lift as it really taps you.  I was concerned about overdoing it and am very glad I stopped at 8 overall sets.  The bar was flying off the ground, all reps felt good (I re set after each rep, basically doing these as singles, and rested between sets).  I only deadlifted up to 185, not even close to my actual bodyweight, and felt like I got a tremendous training session in.  What a great lift.  I have zero interest in benchpressing again and zero interest in barbell back squats, but the deadlift is different.  Time to discuss this with Kevin.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

12/23/17 Saturday December 23, 2017 (PR ladders, 2H SW)

7:50am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

8:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:35am- Training session - PR ladders, 32kg 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
SL bridge x 3/3
Scales x 2/2
48kg DL x 5

24kg PR x 5/5
Pull-up x 1

28kg PR x 3/3
Pull-up x 2
32kg PR x 2/2
Pull-up x 2
36kg PR x 1/1
Pull-up x 2

28kg PR x 4/4
Pull-up x 2
32kg PR x 3/3
Pull-up x 2
36kg PR x 2/2
Pull-up x 2

32kg 2H SW x 10

hanging from the bar

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:10am - Complete

Notes - A great end to the training block. Pull-ups are feeling much stronger as I continue to do them consistently.  Using the lats to pull hard.  Very pleased all around with where I am at headed into 2018.

12/22/17 Friday December 22, 2017 (DB 24kgs RR SS PR step lunge complex)

6:50am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:35am- Training session - DB 24kgs RR SS PR step lunge complex

24kg TGU x 1/1
Scales 1/1 x 2
Bridges x 5
Plank x 1 minutes
24kg 2H SW x 15 (concentrate on bracing for the punch with abs)

Complex 5x:
DB 24kgs Renegade Rows 1/1 x 4 , SS PR 1/1 x 4, stepback lunges 1/1 x 4

24kg 2H SW x 10

hanging from the bar

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:20am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Saturday.  A tough training session, in a good way.  4 reps for each movement was a challenge, I took more rest between each set, which was a good idea.  Had good technique and solid reps all the way through.  Like this a lot.

12/20/17 Wednesday December 20, 2017 (Circuit work 24/28/32kg)

6:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:00am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:15am- Training session - Circuit work 24/28/32kg

24kg GSq x 8
Pull-up x 1
28kg GSq x 7
Pull-up x 2
32kg GSq x 6
Pull-up x 3

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg 2H SW x 10
Plank x 15 seconds
28kg 2H SW x 10
32kg C&PR x 3/3
32kg 2H SW x 10

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg 1H SW x 5/5
Plank x 15 seconds
28kg 1H SW x 5/5
32kg C&PR x 4/4
32kg 1H SW x 5/5

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg 1H SW x 5/5
Plank x 15 seconds
28kg 1H SW x 5/5
32kg C&PR x 5/5
32kg 1H SW x 5/5

32kg 2H SW x 10

hanging from the bar

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:00am - Complete

Notes - Finally getting to logging this on Saturday morning. Great training session.  I really like how my back and adductors have been feeling lately.  Likely a number of reasons, but the adjustments in training are clearly helping.  Separately blocks of squats and presses seems good for me right now.  Doing both particularly in the same training day didn't seem to help.  The bodyweight movements continue to be a very good thing.  My glutes and abs feel turned on, tightness and overload on the adductors has subsided.  Need to keep this rolling.

Monday, December 18, 2017

12/18/17 Monday December 18, 2017 (20 minute SN ladder - PR)

6:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:50am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:05am- Training session - 20 minute SN ladder

Bridges x 5
24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg kickstand DL x 5/5
24kg 2H SW x 10

Bridges x 5
24kg TGU x 1/1
28kg kickstand DL x 5/5
28kg 2H SW x 10

20 minutes:

20kg SN ladder 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5
24kg SN ladder 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5
24kg SN ladder 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5
28kg SN ladder 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5
28kg SN ladder 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 (PR)

Very happy with this volume and density in 20 minutes.  150 total reps including 60 with the 28kg bell which is a PR on reps for one session.  It's been a little while since I hit a PR with anything so this is a nice plus.

28kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Very pleased with this training session.  My body is really responding well to snatching these days.  The extension work I think is really good and helping balance out pressing over a long period of time.  Something about this is really working for me right now.  These snatches with the 28kg are the strongest I have ever experienced with that bell size.  I could see us continuing in this vein, really getting good at the 28, and moving to the 32.  But also keeping lighter snatching in the mix.  There may be something to really mine out of this movement.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

12/16/17 Saturday December 16, 2017 (PR ladders, 2H SW)

6:50am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:35am- Training session - PR ladders, 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
Planks x 20 seconds

24kg PR x 5/5

28kg PR x 3/3
Pull-up x 1
32kg PR x 2/2
Pull-up x 1
36kg PR x 1/1
Pull-up x 1

36kg 2H SW x 10
(ran out of time had to run to a basketball game for my daughter)

hanging from the bar

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:10am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Sunday night.  Really good training session, I am excited, things are improving.  I liked doing a pull-up after each set of presses.  I could really, really feel my lats engaging on the pull-ups, using my lats, not pulling with elbow, arms.  Felt good and I think is a great balance to the presses.  I think I do better when I can break up press sets with either active mobility or something simple like this.

Friday, December 15, 2017

12/15/17 Friday December 15, 2017 (DB 24kgs RR SS PR step lunge complex)

5:50am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:35am- Training session - DB 24kgs RR SS PR step lunge complex

24kg TGU x 1/1
Scales 1/1 x 2
Bridges x 5
Plank x 1 minutes
24kg 2H SW x 15 (concentrate on bracing for the punch with abs)

Complex 5x:
DB 24kgs Renegade Rows 1/1 x 3 , SS PR 1/1 x 3, stepback lunges 1/1 x 3

24kg 2H SW x 10

hanging from the bar

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:20am - Complete

Notes - Great training session.  I like what we are doing here.  Bracing of the abs on swings is helping.  Various different mobility work and a focus on switching things up is helping the adductors and left hip.  This training is challenging me with some weaker areas and I like the training effects a lot.  Was up to up reps to 3 today, longer time under tension, very good stuff.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

12/13/17 Wednesday December 13, 2017 (Circuit work 24/28/32kg)

6:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:00am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:15am- Training session - Circuit work 24/28/32kg

24kg GSq x 8
Pull-up x 1
28kg GSq x 7
Pull-up x 2
32kg GSq x 6
Pull-up x 3

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg 2H SW x 10
Plank x 15 seconds
28kg 2H SW x 10
32kg C&PR x 3/3
32kg 2H SW x 10

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg 1H SW x 5/5
Plank x 15 seconds
28kg 1H SW x 5/5
32kg C&PR x 4/4
32kg 1H SW x 5/5

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg 1H SW x 5/5
Plank x 15 seconds
28kg 1H SW x 5/5
32kg C&PR x 5/5
32kg 1H SW x 5/5

32kg 2H SW x 10

hanging from the bar

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:00am - Complete

Notes - Good training session, no joke, decent amount of work for sure.  Focusing now as I write this Wed evening on stretching, mobility work, adductor focus, doing butterflys, bridges etc.  Haven't done a ton of 1H SW for quite some time but these felt pretty good. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

12/11/17 Monday December 11, 2017 (20 minute SN ladder)

6:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

6:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:50am- Training session - 20 minute SN ladder

SL bridges x 3/3
Scales x 2/2
24kg kickstand DL x 5/5
24kg TGU x 1/1

20 minutes:

20kg SN ladder 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 (first ladder only)

24kg SN ladder 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5

ended up getting 4 ladders with the 24kg

24kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Really good training session.  Writing this in the evening, body felt great all day today. I continue to believe we may be on to something with the training design.  Body seems to be responding very well to extension movements. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

12/9/17 Saturday December 9, 2017 (DB 24kgs RR SS PR step lunge complex)

8:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

8:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:50am- Training session - DB 24kgs RR SS PR step lunge complex

24kg TGU x 1/1
Scales 1/1 x 2
Bridges x 5
Plank x 1 minutes
24kg 2H SW x 10 (concentrate on bracing for the punch with abs)

Complex 5x:
DB 24kgs Renegade Rows 1/1 x 2 , SS PR 1/1 x 2, stepback lunges 1/1 x 2

24kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:20am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Sunday evening.  This was great.  I feel like we may be onto something.  The rows are extremely hard for a light weight, I think this is going to shore up a weakness that may exist for me.  The row on the L is particularly challenging.  Developing more mid back strength will likely take some pressure off the L shoulder and the L hip in the press (the same likely holds for the R side too).  This could be meaningful. I also really like the step back lunges, I think they can help open up the front side of my legs quite a bit (hip flexors).  They are challenging in a good way.

Friday, December 8, 2017

12/8/17 Friday December 8, 2017 (training with Kevin)

5:30am - Primal move, rolling, etc.

6:00am - Training with Kevin

Good training session, made some progress.  A few cues and tips

Walk on balls of feet to wake up big toe, calves

Don't stomp the ground - rub feet to get set.  Stomping can throw feet off.

Scales - big chest, like holding a KB

TGU - need to open up front leg with bell overhead in half kneeling, be sure to push heel into ground, hinge and get under the bell

Did a number of swings, in general things looked good other than keep abs tight, "brace for the punch"

Practiced Snatching with the 24kg, things felt good and looked good.  going to program 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 in this cycle, going for 20 minutes. 

Tried a new complex double 24kgs with Renegade Rows, Cleans and SeeSaws, and Step Back Lunges. Very challenging.  Will give me an opportunity to work on rowing which is a weak point for me.  Kevin saw me working extremely hard with just a 24kg to row.  This may help develop the back better and even some things out.  It is also a good asymmetrical exercise, as are SS PR and the step back lunges. 

Segmental rolling - lift leg up and extend

7:20am - Finished

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

12/6/17 Wednesday December 6, 2017 (DB 45lbs CL and DB SW, push-ups, CL/SW/SN)

Training from Washington DC

7:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

8:00am- Training session - DB 45lbs CL / SW, push-ups; CL / 1H SW / SN

45 lbs TGU x 1/1
45 lbs kickstand DL x 5/5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each set)

DB 45lbs CL x 5 SW x 5
Scales or Push-ups x 5 alternating

45lbs CL x 5 1H SW x 5 SN x 5, set down and switch hands
Push-ups x 5

Farmer carry double 45 lbx x 4 minutes


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

8:45am - Complete

Notes - Good training session today.  Feeling decent despite odd sleep schedules due to time zone change.  Will see how I do on the plane today back to Seattle.  Have some bodywork scheduled for tomorrow which should be very good timing.

Monday, December 4, 2017

12/4/17 Monday December 4, 2017 (DB 45lbs CL and DB SW, push-ups)

Training from Washington DC

6:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:00am- Training session - DB 45lbs CL / SW, push-ups

40 lbs TGU x 1/1
40 lbs GSq x 5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each set)

DB 40lbs CL x 5 SW x 5
Push-ups x 5

DB 45lbs CL x 5 SW x 5
Push-ups x 5

Overhead and rack carries double 45 lbs x 2 minutes
Farmer carry double 45 lbx x 4 minutes


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Good training session from my hotel in DC.  Nice to have kettlebells even though they were weird and awkward with a stupid metal handle.  Oh well.  I got the job done.  Worked up a really good sweat doing it which was nice after the long plane ride yesterday.  Was able to get myself going at 3:30am PST, 6:30am local time so felt pretty good about making myself get up and get the work done. Continuing to do a lot of mobility work and stretching.

12/2/17 Saturday December 2, 2017 (snatch ladder)

7:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

7:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:50am- Training session - Snatch ladder

20kg armbar + TGU x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
24kg 2H SW x 20

20kg SN x 5/5
24kg SN x 3/3
28kg SN x 2/2 (set down between sides, did not swing switch hands, wanted maximum power for every rep)


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:20am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Monday evening from Washington DC.  It's been an interesting time lately.  I felt very good during and after this snatch training on Saturday.  I have been noticing that my body is responding much better to extension recently (swings, snatches) and I seem to be having issues after pressing and squatting.  I think some ways to work with this may be to separate those exercises and not have them in the same training session, or, at least end the session with some swings or snatches.  Maybe going back to paring up pressing with swings, squatting with snatches.  Something to discuss with Kevin.  The adductor stuff, left hip continues to come and go, intermittent issues, definitely exacerbated by sitting at length.

Friday, December 1, 2017

12/1/17 Friday December 1, 2017 (32kg KB aerobics)

6:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

6:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:50am- Training session - 32kg KB aerobics

24kg TGU x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each set)

20 minutes:

32kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1
32kg CL x 2 C&PR x 2 FSQ x 2
32kg CL x 3 C&PR x 3 FSQ x 3

32kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1
32kg CL x 2 C&PR x 2 FSQ x 2
32kg CL x 3 C&PR x 3 FSQ x 3

32kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1

32kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:35am - Complete

Notes - A challenging session, felt fine during the session but yet again top of left hip insertion to glute is flared up. This has truly been an incessant and intermittent problem for weeks.  I am very frustrated.

11/29/17 Wednesday November 29, 2017 (2H SW ladder)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - 2H SW ladder

24kg TGU  x 1/1
48kg DL x 5

24kg 2H SW HSP x 3, set down, 2H SW x 10
28kg 2H SW HSP x 3, set down, 2H SW x 10
32kg 2H SW HSP x 3, set down, 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Friday afternoon.  Felt good after this training session, better than I did on Tuesday after pressing, squatting on Monday. Pressing and squatting seems to be causing flare-ups with the top of my hip on the left side connecting to my glute.  It's a constant thing that keeps coming up and going away.  I believe it is the result of my hamstring on the left, from the knee up to my glute, being very turned on and my left glute not firing sufficiently.  This has happened again today after pressing and squatting again.  Frustrating.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

11/27/17 Monday November 27, 2017 (DB 24kgs KB aerobics)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - DB 24kgs KB aerobics

24kg TGU  x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
Pull-ups x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each set)

20 minutes:

DB 24kgs CL x 3 SS PR x 3 FSQ x 3

got 11 sets, was pleased with that

24kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:30am - Complete

Notes - A very solid training session.  Did a yin yoga class Sunday night, that felt great, really helped this training session Monday morning.  My right elbow, inner, continues to bark at me.  Tricep I think needs some myofascial release. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

11/25/17 Saturday November 25, 2017 (2H SW / push-ups)

Training in Portland near the Lloyd Center

9:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

9:35am - Kettlebell warm up

20kg BU CL + PR x 2/2
20kg BU FSQ x 3/3
DB 24kg BU CL x 1
24kg GSq x 5

9:50am- Training session - 2H SW + push-ups

24kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 5
32kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 5

DB 24kgs farmer carry x 4 minutes
DB 24kgs rack hold + walk x 1 minute

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand


10:20am - Complete

Notes - Had fun training in Portland after staying near the Lloyd Center for the Gonzaga basketball games.  Drove the car to a park and brought the bells.  Messed around with some BU work for a warm-up which is always good. Finished the session with some carries, which I am loving incorporating here and there and when I remember to add a set at the end of a training session.

Friday, November 24, 2017

11/24/17 Friday November 24, 2017 (32kg KB aerobics)

Training from my parents' house in Battleground WA

9:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

9:35am - Kettlebell warm up

Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

10:50am- Training session - 32kg KB aerobics

20kg TGU x 1/1

20kg OH carry x 1/1, 1 minute each
24kg GSq x 5
24kg 2H SW x 20

20 minutes 32kg KB aerobics:

32kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ, set down, switch hands, back and forth

Did not count but would estimate about 13 sets

DB 24kgs farmer carry x 3 minutes


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

11:35am - Complete

Notes - Solid training day here at my parents' house, pushing the 32kg around, which is always a good accomplishment.  Been pretty tight in the adductors and left hip but not surprised due to so much traveling on Wednesday.  Feeling good today.  Watching a lot of basketball in Portland (Gonzaga, my Zags) and spending time with Leah, the kids and family.  It's been great. the beauty of the kettlebell, just bring it with you where you go.  So portable, so easy.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

11/22/17 Wednesday November 22, 2017 (DB 24kgs CL + FSQ, 20kg SN)

6:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:00am- Training session - DB 24kgs CL + FSQ, 20kg SN

20kg TGU  x 1/1
32kg DL x 5
Push-ups x 5

Complex 5x:
DB 24kgs CL x 5, FSQ x 5

10 minutes on the minute 20kg SN x 5/5

100 reps, 20kg felt very nice and easy


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day from my parents' house in the Portland area.  Good training session.  Complex was decently challenging, long time under tension, but not too much to handle on a back-off week.  Enjoying snatching the 20kg which felt very easy.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 20, 2017

11/20/17 Monday November 20, 2017 (24/28/32kg PR, 32kg 2H SW)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - 24/28/32kg PR, 32kg 2H SW

24kg TGU  x 1/1
body beats x 3/3

24kg PR x 5/5
28kg PR x 3/3
32kg PR x 2/2

5 minutes on the minute 32kg 2H SW x 10
50 reps


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Back off week, solid training session.  I was fairly taxed from doing very heavy lifting at the house yesterday trying to install a basketball hoop - long story short it was an arduous process involving picking up and trying to bang together two massive pieces of iron aka the support for the basket.  My right elbow was seriously barking afterwards so this is something to continue to watch.  Didn't bother me at all during training today so that was positive. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

11/18/17 Saturday November 18, 2017 (TGUs and 2H SW)

7:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

7:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:50am- Training session - TGUs and 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 1
28kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 2
32kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 3

32kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3
36kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3
40kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:20am - Complete

Notes - Very good training session.  End of the cycle, things are feeling very good.  Right tricep and elbow has been tight, need a little lacrosse ball release.  Things good all around thought.

Friday, November 17, 2017

11/17/17 Friday November 17, 2017 (28kg work capacity complex)

5:20am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

5:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

5:50am- Training session - 28kg work capacity complex

24kg TGU x 1/1

Crawling x 1 min
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (each successive set)
Pushup plank with leg lifts

24kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1 SN x 1 Get down x 1, switch hands repeat

20 minutes 28kg work capacity complex:

28kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1 SN x 1 CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1 SN x 1 Get down x 1, switch hands repeat - 1 set

back and forth

Got about 7 full sets per side (about 3 minutes per set)

28kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

6:35am - Complete

Notes - Great training session.  I turned this into quite the change.  Looking back I think I was supposed to do 2 reps per movement than 1 get-down but I turned it into a long chain accidentally.  It was hard enough - lot of time under tension this way, and not the type of training I usually do.  Felt good though, and certainly challenging enough with a 28kg.  Got some bodywork done yesterday evening and that felt great, adductors and left hip are significantly alleviated.  Very pleased with this training block, very very pleased. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

11/15/17 Wednesday November 15, 2017 (DB 32kgs CL, FSQ, 24kg SN)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - DB 32kgs CL, FSQ, 24kg SN

24kg TGU  x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
Push-ups x 5

DB 24kgs CL x 5
DB 24kgs FSQ x 5

DB 28kgs CL x 3
DB 28kgs FSQ x 3

DB 32kgs CL x 2
DB 32kgs FSQ x 2

10 minutes on the minute 24kg SN x 5/5

100 reps, took me about 36-38 seconds for each 5/5, not as good as last week, but I was a bit fatigued from the double 32s.  Still got in 100 reps on time


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Tremendously proud of this.  It's not easy to throw about double 32s and this was a strong effort.  Focused on toes into ground, snapping hips on cleans, bells close.  On FSQ, breathing, tight abs, not going too deep so no butt wink.  Snatches, focused on pushing feet into the floor, strong lockout.  All around good effort.

Monday, November 13, 2017

11/13/17 Monday November 13, 2017 (32/36/40kg PR, 32kg 2H SW)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - 28/32/36kg PR, 32kg 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
body beats x 3/3

24kg PR x 5/5
28kg PR x 3/3

32kg PR x 2/2
36kg PR x 1/1
40kg PR x 1/1

10 minutes on the minute 32kg 2H SW x 10
100 reps


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Excellent training session. Any time I get the chance to press the 40kg and it goes well, that is cause for celebration.  Felt good going into this, and things went well.  Took a lot of time before each 40kg press.  These were strict presses and I did not look at the bell to get through lockout.  That is the first time I think I have been able to do strict pressing like that with the 40kg.  Make sure I focused on my big toes, connecting to the ground.  This seemed to allow me to get slightly more "upright" in lockout and possibly a little less "on the heels."  This could be a big discovery with the press.  It's possible some of the adductor issues could be alleviated if I can use the big toe cue for every press.  We will see how recovery goes - I will be focusing on adductor stretching / mobility stretches as well as glutes and hips.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

11/11/17 Saturday November 11, 2017 (TGUs and 2H SW)

7:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 45 minutes

8:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:30am- Training session - TGUs and 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 1
28kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 2
32kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 3

28kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3
32kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3
36kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:00am - Complete

Notes - Writing this late Saturday evening.  After some back and forth issues the last few days with adductor and left hip tightness, today has been great.  I have been working on the adductors quite a bit and things seem to be responding.  I also went for a long walk this afternoon and that was excellent, on top of the morning training session.  As I have mentioned in some of my notes I have had to sit at work a lot (waiting on my standing desk for 4 weeks now) and I think that has some influence.  Just need to stay mobile and keep the hips and adductors, hamstrings feeling as springy as possible.

Friday, November 10, 2017

11/10/17 Friday November 10, 2017 (28kg work capacity complex)

5:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 25 minutes

6:10am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:25am- Training session - 28kg work capacity complex

24kg TGU x 1/1

Crawling x 1 min
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (each successive set)
Pushup plank with leg lifts

28kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1 SN x 1 Get down x 1, switch hands (1 set)

20 minutes 28kg work capacity complex:

28kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1 SN x 1 Get down x 1; switch hands (1 set)
back and forth

Got about 10 full sets per side (1 minute each side)

28kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:05am - Complete

Notes - Very good training session, I enjoyed this.  I was feeling good.  Left adductor and hip tightened up on me late in day.  Doing some mobility work now.  Having to sit a lot at work, I have been waiting on a standing desk. I am certain the standing desk is going to help things out for sure.  It's enough hours sitting where I know it is having an impact.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

11/8/17 Wednesday November 8, 2017 (DB 28kgs CL, FSQ, 24kg SN)

5:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:00am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:15am- Training session - DB 28kgs CL, FSQ, 24kg SN

24kg TGU  x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
Push-ups x 5

DB 24kgs CL x 5
DB 24kgs FSQ x 5

DB 28kgs CL x 5
DB 28kgs FSQ x 5 (whoops realized I was supposed to be doing sets of 3s)

DB 28kgs CL x 3
DB 28kgs FSQ x 3

8 minutes on the minute 24kg SN x 5/5

80 reps, took me about 32-34 seconds for each 5/5, which was an improvement compared to last week which was 38 seconds for each 5/5, so that is good


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:00am - Complete

Notes - Extremely strong day, only thing to report is that I started getting pretty tight in both adductors and left hip yesterday, after heavy pressing.  A pattern that has cropped up many times.  Something I think about my technique on pressing that must exacerbate this a bit.  It's a mystery.  Writing this late Wed and things are better but certainly something to watch. I felt good this morning after a long night's sleep, training felt good, but this adductors stuff and left hip kicked in again later in the day today.   Doing various mobility and stretching exercises to work on it.

Monday, November 6, 2017

11/6/17 Monday November 6, 2017 (28/32/36kg PR, 32kg 2H SW)

6:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:00am- Training session - 28/32/36kg PR, 32kg 2H SW

24kg TGU  + ankle circles x 1/1
body beats x 3/3

24kg PR x 5/5

28kg PR x 3/3
32kg PR x 2/2
36kg PR x 1/1

8 minutes on the minute 32kg 2H SW x 10
80 reps


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Very solid training session, good progress being made.  I checked my notes - surprisingly I had not pressed the 36kg since mid August around my 40th birthday.  Over 2 full months.  These went up without any issues at all.  Definitely I have the 40kg press, no issues.  It will be interesting to see if I can touch the 44kg press again sometime in the near future.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

11/4/17 Saturday November 4, 2017 (TGUs and 2H SW)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:45am- Training session - TGUs and 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 1
28kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 2
32kg TGU x 1/1
Pull-up x 3

28kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3
32kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3
36kg 2H SW x 10
Push-ups x 3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:15am - Complete

Notes - Great session, moving really well.  32kg TGU felt good, strong.  Wider legs for the get-down and stepping back further is helping a lot, felt confident with this.

11/3/17 Friday November 3, 2017 (24kg work capacity complex)

6:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:00am- Training session - 24kg work capacity complex

Crawling x 1 min
Pull-up x 1, 2 (each successive set)
Pushup plank with leg lifts

20 minutes 24kg work capacity complex:

24kg CL x 1 PR x 1 FSQ x 1 SN x 1 Get down x 1 (1 set)
switch hands, back and forth

Got about 10 full sets per side (1 minute each rep


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - This was very enjoyable.  Very easy with a 24kg bell.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

11/1/17 Wednesday November 1, 2017 (DB 24kgs CL, FSQ, 24kg SN)

6:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:00am- Training session - DB 24kgs CL, FSQ, 24kg SN

24kg TGU  x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
Push-ups x 5

DB 24kgs CL x 5
DB 24kgs FSQ x 5

6 minutes on the minute 24kg SN x 5/5

60 reps, took me about 38 seconds for each 5/5, it wasn't hard but it wasn't easy - need to work on conditioning


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Really good day today.  Things are feeling good.  Strong lifts, moving well.

Monday, October 30, 2017

10/30/17 Monday October 30, 2017 (24/28/32kg PR, 32kg 2H SW)

5:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:30am- Training session - 24/28/32kg PR, 32kg 2H SW

20kg floor press hold + ankle circles x 1/1

24kg TGU  x 1/1
body beats x 3/3

24kg PR x 5/5
28kg PR x 3/3
32kg PR x 2/2

6 minutes on the minute 32kg 2H SW x 10
60 reps


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:15am - Complete

Notes - Start to a new cycle, strong start, pleased with how this felt.  Some time away from focusing on pressing is going to help me now I believe.  Good to be back into this.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

10/28/17 Saturday October 28, 2017 (Circuit 28kg SW / 24kg SN)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

7:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:30am- Training session - Circuit 28kg SW / 24kg SN

Crawling x 1min
Pushup x 5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase 1 rep each set)

28kg H/S/P x 5
28kg 2H SW x 10
24kg Snatch x 5/5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand


8:15am - Complete

Notes - Great day, this session felt like a tonic, really nice.  Great to have re-set some technique flaws.  Pushing feet into the floor as a cue has been helping everything - hinge, getting extension into the lockout, stronger lockout starting from the feet on the ground and all the way up the posterior, etc.  Really pleased.

Friday, October 27, 2017

10/27/17 Friday October 27, 2017 (training with Kevin)

6:00am - Training with Kevin

Great training session today, things are really going well.  Warmed up with primal move at home and then met Kevin.  Did arm bars with 20kgs to crooked arm bars.  Then worked on TGUs + ankle rolls with the 24kg.  Did some 2H SW with the 24kg, then one arm / one leg planks to work on top position in the swing, then more swings.  Did some hanging from the bar, then military pressing the 24kg, 28kg, 32kg (single arm, going to get back into that now).  More swings.  Then we worked on "work capacity" by doing a complex with the 24kg of clean, press, squat, snatch, get-down, switch hands.  Then started working that with the 28kg.  Swapped out the get-down for walking overhead with the bell for some reps, then dropping it into the rack and walking.  Finished with soft rolls.  Delighted with overall progress and how I am moving.

7:30am - End

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10/25/17 Wednesday October 25, 2017 (24/28/32kg HSP / 24/28/32kg 2H SW)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

6:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:30am- Training session - 24/28/32kg HSP / 24/28/32kg 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg GSq x 5

Crawling x 1min
Pushup x 5
Pull up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each round)

24kg H/S/P x 5
24kg 2H SW x 10
28kg H/S/P x 5
28kg 2H SW x 10
32kg H/S/P x 5
32kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:15am - Complete

Notes - Very good training session.  Highly encouraged by the progress over the last month or so.  Excited to take some next steps with Kevin on Friday.

Monday, October 23, 2017

10/23/17 Monday October 23, 2017 (24kgs DB FSQ / DB 24kgs SS PR)

5:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:30am- Training session - 24kgs DB FSQ / DB 24kgs SS PR

24kg TGU + leg raises and ankle circles x 1/1
Scale each leg 2/2

24kg kickstand DL x 5/5
DB 24kgs SS PR x 5/5

DB 24kgs FSQ x 5
DB 24kgs SS PR x 5/5

DB 24kgs rack carry x 1 minute
DB 24kgs carry x 2 minutes


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:15am - Complete

Notes - Great session, really enjoyed this.  Good for a backoff week but still plenty of load.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

10/21/17 Saturday October 21, 2017 (Circuit 32kg SW / 28kg SN)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:45am- Training session - Circuit 32kg SW / 28kg SN

Crawling x 1min
Pushup x 5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase 1 rep each set)

28kg H/S/P x 5
28kg 2H SW x 10
24kg Snatch x 5/5

32kg H/S/P x 5
32kg 2H SW x 10
28kg Snatch x 5/5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand


8:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Sunday night.  This was awesome.  A great training session on Saturday and solid all around weekend.  Felt very confident snatching the 28kg.  I cannot remember the last time I snatched that weight.  It has to be a year or something.  We have not programmed any snatching heavier than 24kg for the longest time.  Really happy with it.  I really prefer snatching for low reps, 5/5 is perfect, or even Hike / Snatch / Park.  I think heavier snatches could be a breakthrough for me, something to talk to Kevin about anyway.  I don't have a strong desire to snatch heavier than the 32kg but that's probably because I never have snatched higher than the 32kg.  But I could see snatching the 32 for low reps, many sets as being something very interesting in the right overall program.

Friday, October 20, 2017

10/20/17 Friday October 20, 2017 (Circuit 32kg Kickstand DL / DB 32kgs CL SS PR FSQ)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 15 minutes

6:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - Circuit 32kg kickstand DL / DB 32kgs SS PR CL FSQ

24kg TGU + leg raises and ankle circles x 1/1
Scale each leg 3/3

24kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 24kgs CL x 3
DB 24kgs SS PR x 3
DB 24kgs FSQ x 3

28kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 28kgs CL x 3
DB 28kgs SS PR x 3
DB 28kgs FSQ x 3

32kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 32kgs CL x 3
DB 32kgs SS PR x 3/3
DB 32kgs FSQ x 3

DB 32kgs farmer carry x 2 min around the garage

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Big accomplishment today, always have to celebrate the end of a cycle and hitting double 32s on these lifts for reps.  Really happy with this.  Had a good body work session last night as well and just need to keep on certain movements like rolling and bridges that target my glutes and get that left glute firing etc.  All in all good things going on here.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

10/18/17 Wednesday October 18, 2017 (32kg HSP / 32kg 2H SW)

6:05am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:50am- Training session - 32kg HSP / 32kg 2H SW

Crawling x 1min
Pushup x 5
Pull up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each round)

24kg TGU x 1/1

24kg H/S/P x 5
24kg 2H SW x 10

Superset x 5:
32kg H/S/P x 5
32kg 2H SW x 10


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Good training session today.  Everything felt good.  Left hip is acting up but honestly don't think that had much if anything to do with today.  Big stressors with a job change and I have had to sit a ton.  Going to have to get that standing desk soon, and figure out ways to counteract the sitting.

10/16/17 Monday October 16, 2017 (32kg Kickstand DL / DB 32kg SS PR)

6:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - 32kg kickstand DL / DB 32kgs SS PR

20kg TGU + leg raises and ankle circles x 1/1
Scale each leg 1/1

24kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 24kg SS PR x 3/3

28kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 28kg SS PR x 3/3

32kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 32kg SS PR x 3/3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Finally getting to write this on Wednesday evening.  Started working at Amazon on Monday, huge change for me, after 17 years in public accounting.  It's been good.  Exciting times but certainly going to have a significant amount of new stressors in my life with a job change.  In any event, this was a strong session, pressing double 32s is never going to be something to not recognize and celebrate particularly as I have been trying to get on the road back to heavier loads.  I have had some issues with the left hip acting up the last few days, I am not surprised, I just need to stay very focused on my mobility program.  Also need a standing desk at work, which I ordered, which will definitely help things.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

10/14/17 Saturday October 14, 2017 (Circuit 28kg SW / 24kg SN)

7:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

8:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:30am- Training session - Circuit 28kg SW / 24kg SN

Crawling x 1min
Pushup x 5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase 1 rep each set)

28kg H/S/P x 5
28kg 2H SW x 10
24kg Snatch x 5/5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand


9:15am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Sunday night.  Great training session.  It's been quite some time since I snatched the 24kg and it felt very good, I felt confident with the bell.  I followed this up by acting as the referee for both of my kids' soccer games, which was about 90 minutes of running up and down fields, then came back home and worked in my yard.  No issues.  Feeling great today as well.  Great encouraged about how things are going.

Friday, October 13, 2017

10/13/17 Friday October 13, 2017 (Circuit 28kg Kickstand DL / DB 28kgs CL SS PR FSQ)

7:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:00am- Training session - Circuit 28kg kickstand DL / DB 28kgs SS PR CL FSQ

24kg TGU + leg raises and ankle circles x 1/1
Scale each leg 3/3

24kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 24kg CL x 1 SS PR x 1 FSQ x 1

28kg kickstand DL x 4/4
DB 28kgs CL x 4
DB 28kgs SS PR x 4/4
DB 28kgs FSQ x 4

DB 28kgs farmer carry x 2 min around the garage

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

8:45am - Complete

Notes - Very encouraging work today.  Throwing around the double 28s, this is a great sign.  Things have really come around.  I am really happy about it.  Writing this at night, right elbow has acted up a bit lately, it's not the elbow though, right pec has been tight.  Going to do some mobility work to focus on that and release the tricep as well which should help.  All in all though this is very much going in the right direction again.  End of an era for me professionally today - 17 years in public accounting at Arthur Andersen / KPMG and this was my last day at KPMG.  Starting at Amazon on Monday.  Big change for me, I am proud of myself for making it happen and taking the leap.  Now it's time to bear down and start a new road. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10/11/17 Wednesday October 11, 2017 (28kg HSP / 28kg 2H SW)

6:25am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:55am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1
20kg 2H behind the back hold x 2 minutes
20kg FSQ x 5

7:10am- Training session - 28kg HSP / 28kg 2H SW

Crawling x 1min
Pushup x 5
Pull up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each round)

Superset x 5:
28kg H/S/P x 5
28kg 2H SW x 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (increase one rep each round)

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Very good training session.  What a difference a week makes.  Adductors were completed overfiring after this training session last week, no issues today.  Very encouraging.  Right after this training session I also was able to move 80 concrete pavers around my yard to make way for a house project, and then carry a very heavy wooden pallet over my head (all of those TGUs and presses over 5 years have made the overhead position one that is completely natural to me and feels extremely strong) two blocks to the recycle bin.  Strength for every day activities, strong when you need to be strong.  Absolutely fantastic stuff.

Monday, October 9, 2017

10/9/17 Monday October 9, 2017 (28kg Kickstand DL / DB 28kg SS PR)

6:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 45 minutes (little extra time since I had it)

7:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:45am- Training session - 28kg kickstand DL / DB 28kgs SS PR

20kg TGU + leg raises and ankle circles x 1/1
Scale each leg 1/1
Bar hangs

24kg kickstand DL x 3/3
DB 24kg SS PR x 2/2

28kg kickstand DL x 5/5
DB 28kg SS PR x 5/5


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:30am - Complete

Notes - Encouraging session today, being able to take on more load with the 2 28s, and it felt very good, quite strong.  Seems like I have not lost too much if anything in pressing power and frankly the time off / back off was likely extremely good for me.

10/7/17 Saturday October 7, 2017 (Circuit 24kg SW / 20kg SN)

In Spokane

8:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

9:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

9:30am- Training session - Circuit 24kg SW / 20kg SN

Crawling x 1min
Pushup x 5
20kg TK PR x 5/5

24kg H/S/P x 5
24kg 2H SW x 10
20kg Snatch x 5/5

Carries - 24kg in rack + 20kg OH + walking x 1/1 x 1 min each

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand


10:15am - Complete

Notes - Training in Spokane.  Enjoyed this quite a bit.  I keep throwing just a little bit of different carries at the end of each session, and I really like it.

Friday, October 6, 2017

10/6/17 Friday October 6, 2017 (Circuit 24kg Kickstand DL / DB 24kgs CL SS PR FSQ)

In Spokane

6:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 20kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:30am- Training session - Circuit 24kg kickstand DL / DB 24kgs SS PR CL FSQ

24kg TGU + leg raises and ankle circles x 1/1
Scale each leg 3/3

24kg kickstand DL x 5/5
DB 24kgs CL x 5
DB 24kgs SS PR x 5/5
DB 24kgs FSQ x 5

DB 24kgs farmer carry x 2 min around the yard

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

8:15am - Complete

Notes - Training in Spokane.  Good session.  Really enjoyed this.  Things felt good, lot better than when I arrived in Spokane Wed evening so that's great.  Was trying to push my feet into the floor (grass in the yard) on all lifts.  Used the inhale, quick double exhale to set abs on the FSQ and that was extremely good, felt more solid and safer than previously so very glad to pick up that cue from Kevin. Did a long carry at the end around the yard, felt great.

10/4/17 Wednesday October 4, 2017 (24kg HSP / 24kg 2H SW)

6:25am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

6:55am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:10am- Training session - 24kg HSP / 24kg 2H SW

Jump Rope x 1min
Pushup x 5
Pull up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each round)

Superset x 5:
24kg H/S/P x 5
24kg 2Hand Swings x 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (increase one rep each round)

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:45am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Friday morning from Spokane.  After this training session, both adductors were barking relatively quickly.  Told Kevin I think it was the jump rope, which I have not done for a long time. Frustrating that it could have been that.  I also ended up driving to Spokane later on Wed, and sitting in a car is always challenging for me.  I did a ton of mobility and stretching Wed night, focusing on adductor stretches, rolling, hip thrusts, other pelvic work.  Felt a lot better, and felt pretty good on Thursday too. I would say right now my body seems pretty sensitive to certain movements / change. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

10/2/17 Monday October 2, 2017 (24kg Kickstand DL / DB 24kg SS PR)

6:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:30am- Training session - 24kg kickstand DL / DB 24kgs SS PR

20kg TGU + leg raises and ankle circles x 1/1
Scale each leg 1/1
Bar hangs

24kg kickstand DL x 5/5
24kg SS PR x 5/5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:15am - Complete

Notes - Good session.  Doing a lot of mobility this morning, feeling pretty solid all around but a little bit of stuff going on in the left oblique / hip.  Just need to keep working on things.  Bridges and one legged bridges are good, doing a lot of those.

9/30/17 Saturday September 30, 2017 (DB 24kgs SS PR / 28kg 2H SW / Push-ups)

7:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

8:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:30am- Training session - DB 24kgs SS PR / 28kg 2H SW / Push-ups

20kg TGU w leg lifts 1/1
24kg Kickstand DL x 5/5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase one rep each round)

24kg SS PR x 3/3
28kg 2H SW x 10
Push-up x 3

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:15am - Complete

Notes - Writing this now on Monday afternoon.  Good training session.  Swings much better.  Pushing feet into the floor is a huge cue for me.  Great sign.

Friday, September 29, 2017

9/29/17 Friday September 29, 2017 (Training with Kevin )

6:15am - Training with Kevin

This was very useful today, for sure.  Started off with some rolling, opening the thoracic spine. Did some TGUs but also practiced some leg lifts holding the TGU after the roll to back, working on mobility, ankle stretching, etc.  We worked on some other drills focused on one leg at a time, going from a push-up position to a standing single leg deadlift, which were very good.  We then got into TGUs with the 16 and 24kg, pressing at the top, good stuff there as we incorporated ensuring a straight leg, push heel at various stages which is a good cue and helps keep me tight.  Did a number of push-ups, feeling really good on those.  Eventually got into doing some 2H swings and got massively improved swings by focusing on pushing the feet into the ground and putting force into the bell, getting away from "lifting" the bell with my arms.  I have not had swings feel that strong in some time.  I have just been off, and now with a few cues, this is coming back which is a big deal. The best part of the day was working on some goblet squats where we discovered I have been going too deep and getting a little butt wink, not good.  This was corrected with some breathing techniques, inhale at the top, two quick exhales to tighten the abs.  Tight abs corrected the problem.  Great cue for me and something to really work on and dial in for future reps.  We ended by three rounds of swings with the 28kg, push-ups, goblet squats.  Very nice.  An encouraging day.

7:30am - Finish

9/27/17 Wednesday September 27, 2017 (DB 24kgs KB aerobics)

6:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:30am- Training session - DB 24kgs KB aerobics

16kg arm bar + TGU 1/1
Bridges x 5
48kg DL x 5
Push-ups x 5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (add one each round)

15 minutes DB 24kgs KB aerobics:

DB 24kgs CL x 1 SS PR x 1/1 FSQ x 1
DB 24kgs CL x 2 SS PR x 2/2 FSQ x 2
DB 24kgs CL x 3 SS PR x 3/3 FSQ x 3

Got 3 full ladders to 3, plus another round of 1s

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:15am - Complete

Notes - Writing this now on Friday afternoon.  Excellent training session followed by 90 minutes of bodywork.  I am coming back to life here, and this is good stuff.

Monday, September 25, 2017

9/25/17 Monday September 25, 2017 (Circuit work)

7:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:00am- Training session - Circuit

20kg armbar x 1/1
Bird dogs x 5/5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase by 1 each successive set)
Push-ups x 5 (these feel fantastic)


SL bridge x 5/5
20kg TK PR x 3/3
48kg DL x 5
24kg GSq x 5
24kg Hike Swing Park x 5

SL bridge x 5/5
20kg TK PR x 5/5
48kg DL x 5
28kg GSq x 5
28kg Hike Swing Park x 5

SL bridge x 5/5
24kg TK PR x 3/3
48kg DL x 5
28kg GSq x 5
28kg Hike Swing Park x 5

SL bridge x 5/5
24kg TK PR x 4/4
48kg DL x 5
32kg GSq x 5
32kg Hike Swing Park x 5

SL bridge x 5/5
24kg TK PR x 5/5
48kg DL x 5
32kg GSq x 5
32kg Hike Swing Park x 5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:45am - Complete

Notes - A good progression and a good training session.  Relaxed day yesterday, had chiro this morning after this training session, just continuing to focus on rest and recovery.

9/23/17 Saturday September 23, 2017 (Circuit work)

7:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

8:00am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:30am- Training session - Circuit

20kg armbar x 1/1
Bird dogs x 5/5
Pull-up x 1, 2, 3 (increase by 1 each successive set)
Push-ups x 5 (these feel fantastic)

Circuit 3x:

SL bridge x 5/5
20kg TK PR x 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 (increase each set)
48kg DL x 5
24kg GSq x 5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:15am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Monday morning.  This was excellent, and I felt really good on Saturday, first time in awhile of training two days in a row and feeling good.  I also went and coached / referred two youth soccer games for my kids after this, and felt great.  Encouraging.

Friday, September 22, 2017

9/22/17 Friday September 22, 2017 (Circuit work)

6:50am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 20 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:50am- Training session - Circuit

Hip bridges (double and single) x 5
16kg TK Halos x 5/5 L , 5/5 R
Bird dogs x 5/5


24kg TGU to palm x 2/2
24kg kickstand DL x 3/3
16kg BU PR x 2/2
24kg Hike/Swing/Park x 5
16kg BU FSQ x 2/2

28kg TGU to palm x 2/2
28kg kickstand DL x 3/3
20kg BU PR x 2/2
28kg Hike/Swing/Park x 5
20kg BU FSQ x 2/2

32kg TGU to palm x 2/2
32kg kickstand DL x 3/3
24kg BU PR x 2/2
32kg Hike/Swing/Park x 5
24kg BU FSQ x 2/2

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:30am - Complete

Notes - Solid work today.  Writing this end of day, feel ok, but the left side has been a little noticeable, but it's moved around, more so in the left lower lat, and hamstring.  Weird stuff, and super annoying / frustrating.  Will just have to keep at it.  Going to do some mobility this evening and focus on rolling, adductors, etc.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

9/20/17 Wednesday September 20, 2017 (BU PR / HSP / BU SQ / C/C)

6:30am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 20 minutes

6:50am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:20am- Training session - BU PR / HSP / BU SQ / C/C

Hip bridges (double and single)
24kg Kickstand DL x 3/3
24kg TGU to palm x 3/3

15 minutes:
20kg BU PR x 1/1
24kg H/S/P x 3
20kg BU SQ x 1/1
Cross crawls x 5/5

Did 5 rounds

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:00am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Thursday now.  Been a solid couple of days, very encouraging.  I had a deep body work session yesterday with my friend Dave which was extremely helpful.  This is 4 weeks in a row of this, and it is definitely helping get a lot of shit out of my shoulders, low back, pelvis / hips and legs.  Yesterday was almost all pelvis and legs and man it was crazy.  It's been a crazy 8-9 months and I probably should have anticipated that this accumulation was happening and that this day / time would come.  In any event, it is good to try and get it addressed now and it does seem like I am making progress.  Dave has noticed that my knees appear externally rotated, which I have never noticed before, and that would explain some of the knee pain I have noticed at times, and clearly that would be impacting my hips and even shoulders.  Externally rotated knees often are accompanied with adductor tightness - which I have.  So this is definitely something I need to address.  I think I may have trained for so long in the same planes that I have really strong muscles in certain spots but may have created some imbalances.  It's been a long time focusing on pressing (most of the past 18 months actually now that I think about it) so Kevin and I will have to go back to the book to figure out a way forward here.

Monday, September 18, 2017

9/18/17 Monday September 18, 2017 (DB DL CL FSQ carries crawling)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 20 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:50am- Training session - DB DL / CL / FSQ carries crawling

24kg TGU to palm x 2/2
24kg GSq x 5

DB 24kgs DL x 5
DB 24kgs CL x 3
DB 24kgs FSQ x 3
16kg BU carries

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:30am - Complete

Notes - Getting a lot of rest the last 5-6 days, which is key.  This felt pretty good, left shoulder definitely feels way better, that is encouraging, the left hip and low left back did not bark during the training session but a few hours later, don't feel great (sitting makes it worse).  I think my left glute and low left back are just turned off and not firing properly hence the pain response (counter intuitive but this is how it works).  My chiro has suggested single leg deadlifts, left leg only, or anything possible that isolates those muscles and gets them working.

9/16/17 Saturday September 16, 2017 (TGU / GSQ / Pull-up / 2H SW)

8:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 20 minutes

8:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:50am- Training session - TGU / GSq / Pull-up / 2H SW

16kg TK halo 3/3
20kg BU PR 3/3
Cross crawls

24kg TGU to palm x 2/2
24kg GSq x 5
Pull up x 1

24kg 2H SW x 10

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this finally on Monday 9/18.  Been a frustrating as hell time period, well mainly Saturday through today trying to figure this left hip and low left back out.  Left shoulder is better. I felt pretty bad after this session and up this point had several good days in a row.  I am not sure if this was training two days in a row, or something was off here.  Swings are feeling very hard these days and for sure something is just damn off with my swing. My fiance even said something to me that just looking at me it was "too hard"

9/15/17 Friday September 15, 2017 (TGU / DB DL CL FSQ 2H SW)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 20 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:50am- Training session - TGU / DB CL FSQ 2H SW

16kg halo 3/3
20kg TK PR 3/3
Bird dogs

24kg TGU to palm x 2/2
DB 24kgs DL x 5
DB 24kgs CL x 5 (first set 2 reps, second set 3 reps)
DB 24kgs FSQ x 5 (first set 2 reps, second set 3 reps)
24kg 2H SW x 10

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this finally on Monday 9/18.  Been a frustrating as hell time period, well mainly Saturday through today trying to figure this left hip and low left back out.  Left shoulder is better.

9/13/17 Wednesday September 13, 2017 (TK PR / 2H SW / crawling)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 20 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:50am- Training session - TK PR/ 2H SW / crawling

20kg TGU w / bridge  1/1
Cross crawls x 5/5
48kg DL x 5

20kg TK PR x 5/5
32kg 2H SW x 10

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this finally on Monday 9/18.  Been a frustrating as hell time period, well mainly Saturday through today trying to figure this left hip and low left back out.  Left shoulder is better.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

9/11/17 Monday September 11, 2017 (TGUs / 2H SW and crawling)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 20 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:50am- Training session - TGUs / 2H SW and crawling

20kg arm bar x 1/1
DB 12kgs batwings x 5
16kg BU PR x 1/1
Bird Dogs x 5/5

24kg TGU x 1/1

24kg TGU to the knee x 1/1

32kg 2H SW x 10

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Tuesday afternoon.  A good training session, just trying to figure this stuff out. Had an appointment with Kinetics yesterday as well which underscored the issues with the left shoulder, which we are actively working on and I already see improvement there, which is encouraging.  Left hip and low back are still troublesome, and those seem tougher.  Will just have to keep working at this. Doing a lot of OS work.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

9/9/17 Saturday September 9, 2017 (DB 24kgs / 32kg 1H SW and crawling)

10:35am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

11:05am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

11:20am- Training session - DB 24kgs / 32kg 1H SW and crawling

20kg arm bar x 1/1
16kg BU TGU x 1/1
Bird Dogs x 5/5

DB 24kgs DL x 8
DB 24kgs CL x 6
DB 24kgs SS PR x 4

32kg 2H SW x 10

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

12:00pm - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Sunday evening.  After experiencing a lot of issues after training on Friday, which was massively disappointing after a few good days last week, an exceptional bodywork and acupuncture session on Thursday, Kevin and I did another reset for the training template, trying to do things that are corrective in nature / feel good (bird dogs, crawling) with KB movements that don't seem to aggravate things.  I felt pretty good all day yesterday on Saturday after training, went to a wedding yesterday evening, was fine.  Woke up Sunday morning and had a bad morning - didn't feel good yet again.  This has been a roller coaster.  I spent quite a bit of time during the Seahawks game stretching, doing soft rolls, hip flexor stretch, other OS work, supine groin stretch etc. and my body really responded well.  I seem to be very responsive to the OS work these days.  I can just tell I have some fairly significant cross body issues between my left shoulder (poor ROM, sensitive in the overhead position, arm just doesn't move smoothly as it should) and my right hip / lat (tight, right low lat lit up - these things are absolutely related.  The right hip and lat I am certain is pulling on my left side and that is why I actually feel the most discomfort in my left side).

What is going on here I think is the result of 7-8 months of intense activity in my personal life as it relates to getting engaged in February, signing for our new house in March, job issues in May, getting keys to the new house in June, selling my old house in July, turning 40 years old in August, and now, about to quit my job after 17 years and start a new one.  That's a ridiculous amount of stuff in one relatively short period of time and it's any wonder that now my body is barking a bit.  It's surprising this did not pop up sooner.  It's going to take some regrouping here, focusing on resting my body, and as far as training goes, doing things that are helpful and feel good, and going to have to set aside normal goals.  I am going to try and get into Kinetic this week for a check up as well as doing some other recuperative work.  This is a challenging time and I am hoping I can experience some consistent progress soon.

9/8/17 Friday September 8, 2017 (training with Kevin)

6:10am - Training with Kevin

An interesting day training.  We got warmed up, did some foam roll, then practiced rolling.  Trying to work on these issues of late with the left shoulder clearly being an issue, causing or caused by other problems.  Did some TGUs.  Focused on various one arm drills primarily one arm deadlifts, one arm deadlifts with a hold/pause at the bottom off the floor, one arm hike swing parks, one arm swings.  All with the 24kg. Trying to get the connections back between the hips, hinge, shoulders.  I definitely got a bit of a groove back and was feeling better about my swing, but after trying my left side felt shitty and I was not happy.  Texted Kevin and let him know that our focus on trying to fix the one arm issues, although noble, didn't seem to result in a good response from my body.

What is going on here I think is the result of 7-8 months of intense activity in my personal life as it relates to getting engaged in February, signing for our new house in March, job issues in May, getting keys to the new house in June, selling my old house in July, turning 40 years old in August, and now, about to quit my job after 17 years and start a new one.  That's a ridiculous amount of stuff in one relatively short period of time and it's any wonder that now my body is barking a bit.  It's surprising this did not pop up sooner.  It's going to take some regrouping here, focusing on resting my body, and as far as training goes, doing things that are helpful and feel good, and going to have to set aside normal goals.

7:15am - End

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

9/6/17 Wednesday September 6, 2017 (20kg / 32kg circuit)

6:35am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:05am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:20am- Training session - 20kg / 32kg circuit

20kg TGU x 1/1 (3 presses @ kneeling)
32kg 2H SW x 10
20kg BU FSQ x 3/3
32kg 2H Hike Swing Park x 5 - 8 reps
20kg BU PR x 3/3
32kg 2H SW x 10

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:00am - Complete

Notes - Really solid training session. Feeling tons better. The Original Strength resets particularly Rolling, and also some Cross Crawls and Bird Dogs, have been really good.  This is encouraging.  Also dropping the 1H SW for now is good.  2H SW groove is coming back stronger, I am encouraged.

Monday, September 4, 2017

9/4/17 Monday September 4, 2017 (DB 28kgs complex)

7:00am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, lacrosse ball release, hamstring work  - 120 minutes (basically relaxed and moved very slowly, lot of drills including Soft Rolls to work on hip/shoulder connection)

9:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

9:30am- Training session - DB 28kgs complex

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg GSq x 5

24kg TGU x 1/1
DB 36kgs DL x 5

warm up sets
DB 24kgs CL x 2 FSQ x 2
DB 24kgs CL x 3 FSQ x 3

20 minutes:
DB 28kgs CL x 2 FSQ x 2
DB 28kgs CL x 3 FSQ x 3
DB 28kgs CL x 5 FSQ x 5

Got in 3 sets, total of 30 reps per movement

36kg 2H Hike Swing Park 5, x 3 sets

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

10:10am - Complete

Notes - A good training session but what's more important is the restorative work I am trying to do on my shoulders and hips.  Last few days were a struggle as I started feeling off again after training on Saturday.  1H SW I think just is not a good exercise for me right now.  I believe I realized why through doing Soft Rolls.  Left shoulder is just way off.  Range of motion is not where it should be, and the soft roll with the left arm overhead, right arm moving across the body is incredibly difficult, notably difficult than any other soft roll movement.  That left shoulder being off I think was likely exacerbated by the 1H and H2H SW with the left arm, as I possibly was not able to pack the shoulder as I shoulder and just in general was challenging a joint that is not ready right now.  The left shoulder is funny.  It is my better pressing shoulder, as far as technique goes, but it fatigues quicker than the right (I am right handed).  I fell hard on that shoulder two different times years ago, and sometimes for sake of a better word it just gets "off" and that is clearly where I am at now.  The Soft Rolls from original strength are a great way to try and regain the lost range of motion, stabilize the joint etc.  I think there is a connection to the left shoulder to my tight right hip (cross lateral), which is likely pulling on my left hip which is why I am experiencing that same pattern of discomfort at the top of the hip in the low left back.  I will keep working the original strength moves and for now the 1H SW is out of the rotation completely until I feel I can safely do the movement, with lighter loads.  2H SW is completely fine, cleans are fine, but particularly double bell work may be best right now.  Will see how this goes as I continue to focus on restorative movement.  Also happy holiday to all today.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

9/2/17 Saturday September 2, 2017 (20kg / 28kg circuit)

8:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, lacrosse ball release, hamstring work  - 30 minutes

8:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

9:00am- Training session - 20kg / 28kg circuit

24kg TGU x 1/1

20kg TGU x 1/1 (3 presses @ kneeling)
28kg 2H SW x 10
20kg BU FSQ x 3/3
28kg 1H SW x 5/5
20kg BU PR x 3/3
28kg H2H SW x 5/5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:40am - Complete

Notes - Good training session.  Need to continue to watch the 1H SW carefully.  I think that is a movement that can cause issues for me.  But in general this went well.

Friday, September 1, 2017

9/1/17 Friday September 1, 2017 (DB 24kgs complex)

6:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, lacrosse ball release, hamstring work  - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:00am- Training session - DB 24kgs complex

24kg TGU x 1/1
DB 36kgs DL x 5

20 minutes:
DB 24kgs CL x 2 SS PR x 2
DB 24kgs CL x 3 SS PR x 3
DB 24kgs CL x 5 SS PR x 5

Got in 4 sets, plus 2/2, total of 42 reps per movement

40kg 2H Hike Swing Park x 3 (trying to get that feel back for the swing)

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:40am - Complete

Notes - This was an excellent training session.  Best I have felt in a while here body wise so that is encouraging.  Technique with double bells improving as I have a few more reps in the tank now over the last week.  Very explosive, yet controlled with the cleans.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

8/30/17 Wednesday August 30, 2017 (16kg / 24kg circuit)

6:45am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, lacrosse ball release, hamstring work  - 30 minutes

7:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:30am- Training session - 16kg / 24kg circuit

24kg TGU x 1/1
24kg GSq x 5

16kg TGU x 1/1 (3 presses @ kneeling)
24kg 2H SW x 10
16kg BU FSQ x 3/3
24kg 1H SW x 5/5
16kg BU PR x 3/3
24kg H2H SW x 5/5

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:10am - Complete

Notes - Solid training session.  As equally important, had another 90 minute body work session today after one last week, with my long time friend and amazing practitioner Dave Engstrom.  Doing a ton of work on my feet and pelvis, making a big improvement on the twist and tightness I have felt in the right lat, leg, and also on the low back on the left side / left hip.  This has been incredibly helpful.  The fact of the matter is I went hard for a long time, under a significant amount of life stress, without too much soft tissue work as it relates to massage, body work, etc.  So now I am paying the piper a bit and trying to work out some issues.  But the good news is that I think this is moving forward.