Monday, October 20, 2014

10/20/14 Monday October 20, 2014 (24kg SN)

7:30am - FMS drills (belly breathing, soft tissue work, t-spine, 1/2 kneeling) - 45 minutes (extra work on the lacrosse ball)

8:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 2+2
Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses, 1/1

9:30am - Training session - 24kg SN

24kg TGU, 1/1
24kg GSq, 5
24kg 2H SW, 10

5 minute timed set (SFG1 practice):

24kg SN, 10/10, set bell down briefly
24kg SN, 10/10, x 2, set bell down
24kg SN 10/10, set bell down
24kg SN 10/10

Time when off after 96 reps - damn I did not get the 100 under 5mins.  Did the last 4 reps and finished probably around 5:08 in total time.

100 reps

10:00am - Complete

Notes - Can't help but be a little disappointed here - I can do better than this.  My issue is lack of recovery time, not strength, grip or conditioning I think.  It's been very busy at work, personally, etc. and it is catching up with me.  Friday Jill and I had a mediation meeting, which actually was positive, but it takes a toll.  The next time we see the mediator it will be at the courthouse to finalize the divorce.  That is difficult to even write, so I should respect that it is weighing on me in some significant ways.  Had a busy weekend and worked most of the day yesterday to get caught up on various client things I have, so it is no wonder I felt like I had to get some extra sleep this morning and even then didn't feel all that great.  During the snatching I just did not want to digress into any shitty reps, so I set the bell down more than I wanted to.  If I had set it down one less time, I would have hit the 100 reps in under 5 mins.  As it was I think 97 reps in 5 mins is my PR, so I nearly did get a PR today, but that was set probably 6 months ago and I know I can do better than this.  I need to focus on recovery leading up to the SFG1 weekend.  If I go into the weekend reasonably well rested, I think I am going to kick ass.