Friday, April 3, 2015

4/3/15 Friday April 3, 2015 (Training with Kevin - learning the windmill, 2H Jerk)

Training with Kevin today, from 6:15am to 7:30 or so.  Big day as it was time to learn the Double KB Jerk, after learning the Jerk last week.

We did some warm up stuff, then some arm bars and getups with the 16kg, trying to mobilize the t-spine.  Hanging from the bar.

We then practiced the Windmill, first with no bell, and then Windmills with the 16kg.  Good movement, I have been doing this in a TK fashion but it was good to do a full Windmill and see what that was like.  I am pretty tight in my quads and hamstrings, and it was holding me back.  This will be a good exercise for me for sure.

Warmed up with a bit of 1H Jerk with the 24kg.  I basically then worked a number of sets with the DB 20kg, and DB 24kg bells on the Jerk, by the end basically focusing on the DB 24kg where I did 10 minutes of 4 reps, on the minute.  Felt amazing.  I am seriously loving the Jerk.