Thursday, December 28, 2017

12/27/17 Wednesday December 27, 2017 (Hawaii - dumbell press + stepback lunges)

Training from Kauai Hawaii

1:20pm - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

1:50pm- Training session - DB PR + stepback lungges

DB stacked 20lbs armbars x 1 + TGU x 1, switch hands
20lb halo x 5/5
Push-ups x 5
Pull-up x 1

15 minutes superset:

Dumbell PR 50lbs x 3/3
DB 20lbs step back lunges x 3/3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

3:00pm - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Thursday.  Some interesting observations from the last couple of days.  Barbell deadlift on Monday.  Felt very solid through Monday and into Tuesday.  Mid day Tuesday, starting feeling the usual tightness in my left hip, wrapping around to low back on the L side.  I have realized over time that this issue results or is causes actually by tight hip flexors in the front of my legs.  I think the barbell deadlifts tightened those hips up quite a bit (movement I am not used to certainly not a surprise).  I was working hard on some lacrosse ball release and other mobility work on Tuesday evening and into Wed morning, which was helping, but still a bit frustrated.  As I thought about training on Wed, I determined that instead of doing goblet squats superset with dumbell presses, I would incorporate the Step back lunges instead because those have been so helpful lately.  I have been thinking there really is something about that movement that my body is really liking.  I believe it's the fact that the movement places some emphasis on the hip flexors and puts them into nice extension, with load.  I am not sure I am getting that with a lot of the other KB movements, or at least, some of the movements may be contributing to tightening up the hip flexors a bit and I need something intentional that is going to balance that out.  This training yesterday went very well.  I enjoyed practicing the dumbell military press, and the cues from Kevin to start with the palm facing me and then palm away in lockout were good tips.  The movement felt controlled, natural, and a little different than the KB press, so that difference was interesting to feel.  I liked it.  I also believe the step back lunges (holding a 20lb dumbell in each hand) were a very good choice.  I need to discuss these observations with Kevin when I get back.