Friday, June 14, 2013

6/14/13 Friday June 14, 2013 (Kevin 2H 1H SW, DB PR)

Slept in before training with Kevin - did the standard kettlebell warmup for 10 minutes then headed out.  The night before I was out late with my brother in law so it was good to sleep a little bit more.  I have been consistently getting in my Original Strength resets as well as Primal Move warmups, and the body felt fine.

6:30am - Training session with Kevin

We worked in some basic Primal Move stuff.  Did one new move that was a roll to the left and right to wake up the vestibuler system.

We started then with some TGUs with the 16, 4 or 5 per side, tuning up the hand position on the way down.  Kevin noted a lot of improvement with many aspects of this lift, which was cool to hear.

We did some 2H SW with the 24 and 28, and then got into 1H SW where we focused some time and attention.  I was using the 28; it felt good, not too heavy actually.  The keys were getting deep into the hinge, not rotating the shoulders, and snapping the hips up to get the float on the bell.

We then finished off with several sets of DB PR, starting with 20s but then quickly going to 24s and then staying with that weight for 2-3 reps per set, probably about 5-6 sets.  Kevin gave some cues on breathing right before pressing the bellls up / pushing heels into the floor.  In general he thought these looked prety good.

7:40am - Finish

Great session, I continue to learn a lot from Kevin.