Wednesday, August 7, 2013

8/7/13 Wednesday August 7, 2013 (DB 24kgs complex)

6:45am - Original Strength, Primal Move drills - 30 minutes

7:15am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm 16 kg
12kg armbars - 1 L, 1 R

7:30am - Training session -DB Sq 24 kgs complex

Warm up -
TGU 16kg, 2+2
GSq 24 kg, 5
DB DL 32 kgs, 10, 10 alt L, R
2H SW 24 kg, 10

DB SQ 24 kgs Complex

6X of the following:
DB CL, 2 (first clean doesn't count)
DB PR, 1
DB Sq, 3

Got this done in just barely over 8 minutes, so did not take a lot of rest.  It was the same amount of volume as last week (thought it was more but after checking my log last week was 6X) so I decided to add in the following:

DB CL 32kgs, DB SQ into DB PR - 2X

Those were tough but the reps were really good.  It is awesome to be able to strongly clean, squat, and then press that amount of weight (155 lbs) overhead.  It would be pretty sweet to get to body weight on that complex which for me would be a couple of 40 or 44 kgs.

Finisher, did some OH walks with the 24s, farmer carries to put the bells away.

8:00am - Complete

Notes -  Good session.  No major observations other than just watching some forearm tightness,did some more lacrosse ball work this morning on both of them.  I think both of my elbows and forearms could probably use more rest .  I think the real issue is not too much work but rather insufficient rest and recovery.  Nutrition has been very good and I am eating like a horse and packing on muscle as body composition is noticeably changing.