Saturday, October 31, 2015

10/31/15 Saturday October 31, 2015 (24kg 2H SW + push-ups, TGUs)

Writing this on Saturday evening after a very busy day with my kids coaching soccer.

Found 20 minutes in the late afternoon at about 5:30pm at the house to bang out a quick session, after working in my yard for a couple of hours.

Primal move warm-up (feeling very good)

5x superset:

2H SW 24kg, 20
5 push-ups

Total of 100 2H SW 24kg, 25 push-ups

24kg TGUs to windmill position, 1/1, x 2

TGUs with the 24kg felt awesome, it has honestly been a long time since I did a TGU with a 24kg and I think I can get back to that now.  Lockout in the windmill position was excellent.  This is really good.