From Priest Lake, Idaho
8:30am - belly breathing, lacrosse ball, Primal Move practice - 30 minutes
2:00pm - Kettlebell warm up
BU CL, 12kg, 2/2
BU FSQ, 12kg, 2/2
Overhead carry, 16kg, 1/1
Overhead carry, 24kg, 1/1
Overhead hold, marching in place, 24kg, 5/5
2H SW, 24kg, 20
DB DL 24kgs, 5
2:20pm- Training session - loaded cleans, DB Push PR, 24kgs, 24kg SN 10 mins AMRAP
DB PPR, 24kgs, 5
10 minutes snatch, 24kg, AMRAP
15/15, 10/10, set the bell down - 2:30mins
10/10, set the bell down (70 reps)
10/10, set the bell down - 6 mins (90 reps - not good for the snatch test)
5/5, 10/10, set the bell down
1/1 - 10 minutes time up, 122 total reps
9/9 - wanted to get at least 140 reps total
2:45pm - Complete
Notes - An interesting day. Was in Priest Lake, Idaho with my girlfriend, her friends and family. Flew over to Spokane on Saturday afternoon, had a lot of fun Saturday evening, all day Sunday, and was in relax mode on Monday the holiday. I had her bring my bells and got down to work for this training session. I had noticed that I was pretty tight in the shoulders and pecs from the traveling, etc. but had done a pretty good job of working that out with some mobility work and the overhead holds, etc. in the warm up. Immediately as I started my first set of the push presses with the 24s I was like holy shit, I am tired, this is harder than it should be. That was fine, I focused a lot on technique and got in some very good reps on the push press. It's a movement I enjoy. I had not done that in some time so it took a little bit to really nail the reps, but they felt good. Snatching was hard as hell. And I mean - HARD. I was seriously gassed and I was very concerned about bad reps, so I just did not want to push too hard. I got 122 reps in 10 minutes, that is not a good result at all, and had me somewhat concerned given the snatch test coming up for my SFG2 weekend in Dallas where I need to hit 100 reps in 5 minutes. I thought about this a bit though afterwards and realized that doing the training in Priest Lake, I was at elevation - I just checked google as I write this summary on Tuesday evening and see that Seattle and Dallas are basically at sea level - 400 ft of elevation, and Priest Lake is 2500 ft. I think this definitely could have something to do with the results on Saturday as my body is not conditioned to working at that elevation. Something to discuss with Kevin. I am not quite sure what to conclude here but we had better keep some conditioning and snatching going this month leading up to the SFG2 based on this data point.