In Oklahoma City for work today. Very little sleep the last few days, body is pretty tight from flying traveling 11 hrs to get here from Seattle. Particularly the overhead position. I did my best to get mobilized in the hotel gym this morning, and then it some intervals between the treadmill and pull-up bar as follows:
2 min run, SL DLs 5/5, Fighter Program pull-ups for the third week (sets with reps 5/4/3/3/2, up from 5/4/3/2/2 last week), 5 push-ups
x 5, ending with a 2 minute run
Total of 12 minutes running, 25/25 SL DLs, 17 pull-ups, 25 push-ups
Felt fine today by the end, certainly was nice to work up a decent sweat and it didn't take me much time, really only probably got in about 1 1/2 miles running, but moved quickly with no rest at all between each exercise. Thinking about what I might do tomorrow, may just doing some sprints outside, and mix in some more push-ups and other bodyweight movements. Depends on the weather probably. It's raining here.