Monday, January 28, 2019

1/28/19 Monday January 28, 2019 (ROP 32kg C&P ladders ( 1,2,3,4 x 2; 1,2,3 x 3), push-ups, 5 minutes of SW)

Lloyd Center, Portland OR

7:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

8:00am- Training session - ROP 32kg C&P ladders (1,2,3,4 x 2, 1,2,3 x 3)

20kg OH hold x 1/1
24kg OH hold x 1/1
20kg BU FSQ x 3/3
20kg BU PR x 3/3
24kg 2H SW x 10
24kg 1H SW x 10/10

24kg C&P x 5, set down, switch hands

24kg BU FSQ x 3/3
24kg BU PR x 3/3
32kg 2H SW x 10
32kg 1H SW x 5/5

ROP 1,2,3,4 x 2, 1,2,3 x 3

32kg C&P x 1, set down, switch hands
32kg C&P x 2, set down, switch hands
32kg C&P x 3, set down, switch hands
32kg C&P x 4, set down, switch hands

32kg C&P x 1, set down, switch hands
32kg C&P x 2, set down, switch hands
32kg C&P x 3, set down, switch hands

3 push-ups after each set of presses, about 50 push-ups in all.

34/34 C&P

roll dice, 5 minutes of SW with the 32kg

Mostly 1H, 5/5 on the minute.  About 60 1H SW.


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

9:00am - Complete

Notes - Trained outside of Lloyd Center in Portland as Leah and I went down Sunday afternoon for my grandmother's funeral services.  97 years old.  It was good to see the family.  Appreciative for that time and that I could go. Nice to be able to bring bells so easily in a car.   A 20, a 34, and a 32kg.  They are beautiful tools.