Sunday, December 17, 2017

12/16/17 Saturday December 16, 2017 (PR ladders, 2H SW)

6:50am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

7:20am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:35am- Training session - PR ladders, 2H SW

24kg TGU x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
Planks x 20 seconds

24kg PR x 5/5

28kg PR x 3/3
Pull-up x 1
32kg PR x 2/2
Pull-up x 1
36kg PR x 1/1
Pull-up x 1

36kg 2H SW x 10
(ran out of time had to run to a basketball game for my daughter)

hanging from the bar

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

8:10am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Sunday night.  Really good training session, I am excited, things are improving.  I liked doing a pull-up after each set of presses.  I could really, really feel my lats engaging on the pull-ups, using my lats, not pulling with elbow, arms.  Felt good and I think is a great balance to the presses.  I think I do better when I can break up press sets with either active mobility or something simple like this.