Sunday, September 10, 2017

9/8/17 Friday September 8, 2017 (training with Kevin)

6:10am - Training with Kevin

An interesting day training.  We got warmed up, did some foam roll, then practiced rolling.  Trying to work on these issues of late with the left shoulder clearly being an issue, causing or caused by other problems.  Did some TGUs.  Focused on various one arm drills primarily one arm deadlifts, one arm deadlifts with a hold/pause at the bottom off the floor, one arm hike swing parks, one arm swings.  All with the 24kg. Trying to get the connections back between the hips, hinge, shoulders.  I definitely got a bit of a groove back and was feeling better about my swing, but after trying my left side felt shitty and I was not happy.  Texted Kevin and let him know that our focus on trying to fix the one arm issues, although noble, didn't seem to result in a good response from my body.

What is going on here I think is the result of 7-8 months of intense activity in my personal life as it relates to getting engaged in February, signing for our new house in March, job issues in May, getting keys to the new house in June, selling my old house in July, turning 40 years old in August, and now, about to quit my job after 17 years and start a new one.  That's a ridiculous amount of stuff in one relatively short period of time and it's any wonder that now my body is barking a bit.  It's surprising this did not pop up sooner.  It's going to take some regrouping here, focusing on resting my body, and as far as training goes, doing things that are helpful and feel good, and going to have to set aside normal goals.

7:15am - End

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