Friday, September 6, 2013

9/6/13 Friday September 6, 2013 Training with Kevin - ICs

Before meeting Kevin at 6:30am I did some 5 minutes of OS resets at home - didn't really leave myself any time this morning to warm up as I slept in a bit.

6:30am - Training session with Kevin.  We did some primal move, and for cross crawls he showed me a new move to tap or grab the inside of the feet which I liked.

We worked on single leg deadlift movements with no bells, using furniture pads under my off leg foot.  We talked quite a bit about the benefits of SL DLs and I need to throw those into a variety day more consistently I believe.

We then worked on Indian Clubs for the majority of the session, which I enjoyed a lot.  We just used 1 club and did Movement No. 1, very basic, but nonetheless I liked getting some instruction.  I bought 2 1 lb ICs from Dragon Door months ago (probably 6 months nearly) and have not used them.  I now have a good idea of when to use them - a variety day that mixes SL DL, IC, and TGUs in a circuit.  That will be great.

We then did some TK PR with the 16 kg after ICs to see how that felt on the shoulders.  It felt amazing.  5 minutes of IC on a Press Day obviously would be a huge minutes before pressing heavy bells.

We then finished with some sled pushes in the studio to get my heart rate up, which definitely worked.

7:40am - Finish

Great session, I continue to learn a lot from Kevin.  This was interesting due to the lack of bells but that was the plan going into this given the rest time I am trying to give my R wrist and forearm.  The plan is to hit the same workout A/B/C for the next 4 weeks until I see Kevin again (Monday - single bell complex, will start with a 20 kg and work my way slowly back to 28 kg the last week; Wed - armor building with double bells, will start with a 16 or 20kgs, not sure, working my way back to 24 kgs; Friday, snatching, going to drop down to a 16 kg and work back to a 24 kg the last week or so).  Variety days are going to be ICs, SL DL, TGUs, maybe some swings too.  Should be a good period of time before I see Kevin next assuming I can keep recovering on the R wrist and forearm which looks to be the case.

I also saw my acupuncturist / body work specialist Dave for another treatment today which was very helpful.

9/5/13 Thursday September 5, 2013 (TGUs)

5:50am - Original Strength and Primal Move - 35 minutes

6:25am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1

6:40am - Training session - Focus on TGUs

Warm up -
16 kg, 1+1

24kg, 2X 2+2 (2 reps, set down, 2 reps, set down, 2 reps, set down, 2 reps, set down)

7:00am - Complete

Notes -  Wrist and forearm on the R continuing to show improvement each day.  Did these with a 24 kg, absolutely no pain or discomfort on any of the TGU movement.  Noticed some tenderness when putting my hand down to push up into standing, and when coming back down to the ground, but not pain or discomfort.  Same feeling I have had this week with it as I have done mob work, lacrosse ball etc. so the bells are not causing an issue (non ballistic movements).  Chalk it up to another good day particularly in the circumstances.