Friday, October 3, 2014

10/3/14 Friday October 3, 2014 (training with Kevin)

6:15am - Training with Kevin

7:30am - Finish

Notes - Good training day with Kevin.  Very good.  Mobility work, and then got into TGUs 16, 20, 24kg, then onto 2H SW 24, 32kg, 1H SW 24kg, DB SW with 24s, DB CL 24s, DB SQ with 24s, DB CL and PR with 24s.  Finished with snatching the 24, sets of 10/10 and then 10/10/10/10.  All lifts felt good.  Tweaks on the SW to make sure I am staying tight, lock down the lats, stay crisp and tight at the top of each SW.  DB SQ, pauses at the bottom, that is a new twist, makes it a bit harder.  Snatching, just really trying not to lose the hinge, keep the legs involved, don't make it an upper body exercise.  My hand care needs a little work, need to dial that in a bit better.  All in all feeling very good about things.  Will check in with Kevin in 3 weeks, SFG1 in Vancouver BC is mid November, definitely getting excited.