Sunday, April 27, 2014

4/27/14 Sunday April 27, 2014 (interval running / push-ups / pull-ups)

Got going Sunday afternoon.  Body felt great, particularly the hips and low back, the work with Kevin on Friday I think really did some good things around loosening up the hips, tieing the shoulders to the hips better.  I have to keep that going and dial that into the regular routine.  On the other hand my R elbow was acting up this morning.  I messed around at the park yesterday with the kids and tried to do a muscle up on some pull up bars a couple of times (almost got one which surprised me).  However, I have been watching the R elbow a bit this week as I noticed in tighten up after last week's interval pull ups and push ups.  I had upped the numbers and perhaps that was a bad idea.  It seemed at bay this week as I was doing S&S, until Thursday morning when I felt pretty crappy, though I don't recall it really being the R elbow, it was more the overhead position and just being super tight int the R armpit and lat (and issue I am continuing to try and work on through bar hangs and mobility drills).  I felt good training with Kevin on Friday, didn't notice an issue Sat.  I think the point is that everything is tied together and some of the tight spots on my R side, with the armpit, lat, hip, trap definitely are connected to the elbow via soft tissue.  I did a bunch of lacrosse ball work before this run today and man, things were tight as well, hitting the tricep, bicep, forearm, etc. - but things really responded well to that lacrosse ball work.  I need in to see my massage therapist and body work guy.  I have not had soft tissue work done in some time and have been training pretty hard until the last week or so, and that also has something to do with this.

In any event this is what I did today:

3 min run, SL DLs 5/5, 3 min run, Fighter Program pull-ups (sets with reps 5/4/3/2/1), 5 push-ups
x 5

Total of 30 minutes running, 25/25 SL DLs, 15 pull-ups, 25 push-ups

Kevin told me to do Pavel's Fight Pull Up Program so that is what I am doing, and I dropped the push-ups way down from last week and concentrated on full body tension and really driving the movement with the lats, assuming if I dialed in this technique it would take pressure of the elbows.  It did.  I focused on initiating the pull-ups with the lats, and getting full extension at the bottom of each rep, very slow, controlled motions. Went very well, didn't notice any issues at all during the training.  Running was extremely strong today, man that is the best I have felt running in some time.  Just glided along, pretty powerful.  Got to focus on the arms and elbows and stay vigilant on some soft tissue work given the strength cycle starting tomorrow.