6:30am - Trained with Kevin today. Did some mobility work, practiced some crawling, hip bridges with a stretch. Did some tall kneeling practice, deadlifts with the 40kg and 48kg, then practiced pressing with a 12kg and a 16kg out of the tall kneeling position. Then worked on some 2H SW with the 24kg in a hike/swing/park fashion, 3-4 reps for each set. I need to remember to work on that float at the top of each swing, not try to rush that part of the movement. All in all this was solid, feeling good. Felt like I barely did much this week for training, but that's ok. It feels right at this time.
8:00am - Kinetics session. This was good. Getting some positive feedback about the tone of my muscles, glutes, hams, etc. and the improved range of motion in various things we are working on. Moving forward. I believe I am solidly on a path to get to a point of setting an improved foundation for my KB practice, and that is exciting.