Sunday, June 14, 2015

6/13/15 Saturday June 13, 2015 (pull-ups, shoulder taps/lizard pu's, DB 24kg carries)

Writing this late Sunday night.  Got down to the lake on Saturday afternoon after dropping the kids off. Absolutely stunning day, so beautiful here in Seattle lately.  Was feeling great.  Had been running around with the kids including an hour in the pool which was fun.

Hanging from rings

6 pull-ups (rings)
3/3 Shoulder taps

6 pull-ups
3/3 Shoulder taps

5 pull-ups
3/3 Shoulder taps

4 pull-ups
2/2 Lizard push-ups

3 pull-ups
2/2 Lizard push-ups

Total pull-ups - 23, up from 22 last week.  Very strong.

Hanging from rings

DB 24kg carries, walking until start to feel failure, turn around and go back to the starting point, 3 total sets.  Probably about 2 minutes under tension for each set.

This all went very well.  Wanted to throw in some carries because those are not in the regular rotation for training right now, and I really like doing these.  Even though I have not been lifting heavy lately, I had been focusing on carries and have really noticed an improvement in my grip strength.  It's definitely been improving the last 5-6 weeks and I like this.  It's one of those things that you look to when there is a down period - like I have had working through this back stuff - there is always something you can work on and improve regardless of the situation.  Just focus on what you CAN do, not what you can't.  So that's been good.

Finished this off with a 45-minute barefoot walk around the lake.  Been walking a lot lately, and that is helping me.  Good mental break, good for the legs, glutes, basic conditioning, I even think it may help a bit in keeping me lean which is much appreciated in with the sun out and lots of opportunities to go shirtless and enjoy some sunshine:)