Tuesday, August 13, 2019

8/12/19 Monday August 12, 2019 (DB 20kgs complex, DB 28kgs farmer carries)

From Priest Lake

7:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 45 minutes

8:00am- Training session - DB 20kgs complex, DB 28kgs farmer carries

DB 20kg CL+OR holds - 1 minute
20kg BU PR + BU FSQ x 2/2
DB 20kg BU PR + BU FSQ x 1/1
20kg 2H SW x 10

DB 28kg CL+OR holds - 1 minute
28kg BU PR + BU FSQ x 1/1
28kg 2H SW x 10, x 3

DB 20kgs SW x 5 + SN x 5 + PPR x 5 + FSQ x 5

Took 15 minutes and this was pretty hard

DB 28kg farmer carries x 1 minute, x 5

Indian clubs 2 minutes

8:45am - Complete

Notes - Good overall end to the time at Priest Lake.  I am going to mess around a bit this week with low reps of DB 32kg CL+Jerks just to see how they feel.  Probably doubles is the right way to go. Need to consider the next program, I am thinking something with double front squats paired with the snatch or swings, probably the snatch.  Need to look at Neupert's stuff again.