Sunday, April 19, 2015

4/18/15 Saturday April 18, 2015 (pull-ups, push-ups, KB aerobics)

Writing this on Sunday night.

Just a great day.  Went to Greenlake with the kids and in the morning and banged out pull-ups and push-ups.

Hanging from bar

7 pull-ups
5 push-ups (5 regular)

6 pull-ups
5 push-ups (5 regular)

6 pull-ups
5 push-ups (5 regular)

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups (5 regular)

4 pull-ups
5 push-ups (5 regular)

Total pull-ups - 28,  same as last week again, 25 push-ups, same as last week, I did them all regular (no Lizard style) to limit stress on the R elbow.  Pull-ups got challenging on sets 3 and 4 given that I was doing this quickly with little rest between sets.  Also felt some fatigue in the lats from the double jerk work with 24kgs from the day before.

In the afternoon after dropping off the kids, I went back to the lake and got some KB work in.  Doing a little extra work focused on a bit of fat loss as advised by Kevin.  Here is what I did, all with a single 24kg bell.

Farmer carry – 75 yards, switching hands

Warm up
GSq, 5
2H SW, 10
1H SW, 5/5
CL, 5/5
BU CL, 1/1
BU PR, 1/1
SN, 1/1 plus overhead walk for 30 seconds

KB aerobics - 20 minutes

sets of

CL, PR, SQ, SN, shake out, switch hands

did about 15 sets

Farmer carry – 75 yards, switching hands

Felt really good.  On Sunday, spent 5 hours pressure washing my house and grounds and doing a bunch of other clean up around the house.  Wasn't fazed at all by any of this.  Recovering very well.  I am very pleased.  Looking to a good night's sleep and into some 8/8 on the min for 6 minute snatching with the 24kg tomorrow morning-