Friday, March 5, 2021

3/5/21 Friday March 5, 2021 (Texas method intensity - BB Squat, DL, OHP, Bench)

 Warm up

7:45am- Training session -  TM intensity - BB Squat, DL, OHP, Bench

BB Squat:
45 bar x 5
155 x 5
265 x 3
315 x 1
375 x 1
405 x 1

work sets
435 x 5 x 1 set (good set, pretty deep reps)


warm up
45 bar x 5
155 x 5
265 x 3
315 x 1
385 x 1 

work set
440 x 2 (didn't have a good hook grip on the left hand and it affected my ability to get more reps)
440 x fail
440 x fail

375 x 5 back off set

warm up
45 bar x 5
95 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 1

work sets
205 x 3 x 2 sets (PR)

(Monday's 5 x 5 weight was 195)

BB Bench:
45 bar x 5
155 x 5
205 x 3
265 x 1
295 x 1

work sets
315 x 1
320 x 1 (PR)

hanging from the bar

Indian clubs 2 minutes

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

9:15am - Complete

Notes - A good top set of squats at 435, a disappointing result on the DL - double at 440, didn't have a good hook grip on the left hand, it affected the set, and frankly I think it loaded up my right trap and neck which are tight.  PR on the OHP with two triples at 205, that's pretty good.  Finished with a top single on the bench at 320 which moved really well.  Did some treatment on the neck today as it continues to be stiff.  Hopefully this clears up.  Definitely traced back to the DL.