Hanging from rings
6 pull-ups (rings)
3/3 Shoulder taps
5 pull-ups
3/3 Shoulder taps
3/3 Shoulder taps
3/3 Shoulder taps
3/3 Shoulder taps
Hanging from rings
We did some bike riding practice and they wanted me to jog along as they rode their bikes, again this week. Agin I didn't want to do it, due to this low back rehab I am working through, but I wanted them to have fun so I played along. Probably ended up running a mile and a half or so, more than last week and at a faster pace because those two were moving pretty quickly:) This week, no tightness in the calf and no knee things cropping up, so that's good. I cleaned up my yard late this evening and started to notice the L glute area, so I worked the lacrosse ball and foam roller pretty hard on my quads, both front, side and back, and definitely there was some junk in the L side quad, so that was good to try and work on.
Big BBQ I am hosting for our Gonzaga "Dinner Club" friends and their kids on Sunday. Yard is all cleaned up, we just need to buy burgers and dogs. It's going to be nice to have all of these people over. It has been a long time since I hosted these friends, in fact its been years, since before Jill moved out in February 2013. Probably 3 summers ago. I think it's a another step for me in the process of moving on and I am glad I am doing this.