Saturday, December 26, 2015

12/25/15 Friday December 25, 2015 (TGU ladder, 28kg KB aerobics)

9:10pm - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, lacrosse ball release   - 15 minutes

9:25pm - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

9:40pm- Training session - TGU ladder, 28kg KB aerobics

16kg TGU to windmill, 1/1
20kg TGU to windmill, 1/1
24kg TGU to windmill, 1/1
28kg TGU to windmill, 1/1

28kg KB aerobics, CL 2, PR 2, FSQ 2, set down, switch hands, keep going

20 minutes

ended up doing 9 sets per arm, which is up from 1/1/1 for 12 sets last week, so 50% more volume - whoa that surprised me

2H SW 28kg, 10, x 2

10:10pm - Finish

Notes - Christmas day, beautiful day, had a great time with my kids at my ex wife's house and then ex sister in law's house.  It's good to be able to say that.  It's been a tough 3 years and over a year since our divorce was finalized on December 1, 2014, but things have moved forward and they will continue to move forward.  I have to keep working on my mindset but I have made a lot of strides over the years and I will continue to evolve and keep moving towards becoming the best version of myself possible.  As far as training goes I didn't train in the morning as I wanted to get down to Tacoma, but after spending the whole day away from the house I just had an itch to get the training in tonight instead of waiting for tomorrow, so I went ahead.  Unusual for me to train at night but it was kind of cool.  It's ok to switch things up every once in awhile and in fact it's good to be able to demonstrate some flexibility in training conditions.  The point is - get the work in.  I was a bit shocked to realize that I did 50% more volume with the 28kg than last weeks session, that's probably too much really, and if I had realized I think I would have taken more rest periods.  A couple of the 2nd reps on the press were not easy, I definitely was squeezing the shit out of the glutes and trying to press from them and the lats, vertical, no wasted movement.  A pretty damn good close to a 5 week cycle here and it's been outstanding.  Going to take some days off next week on a trip to CA for fun, will just do some primal move, get in some walking, I will throw in some crawling and a few push-ups perhaps but really not going to try and do much for several days and allow the body to rest and recover.  This is a great way for me to wind down 2015.  I am excited to get with Kevin and plan the training approach for early 2016.  

12/24/15 Thursday December 24, 2015 (soft tissue, primal move)

7:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, lacrosse ball release  - 45 minutes

Notes - Did this from my parents' house in Portland.  Very light work this morning as we were hitting the road to get back to Seattle.  Mainly, just wanting to get in some primal move and do some mobility, no KBs.  I was tight again waking up in the R trap near the base of the neck, same old spot.  Just have to keep working it.  It responds well to the soft tissue work and mobility.