Monday, June 17, 2013

6/17/13 Monday June 17, 2013 (DB PR, 1H SW)

6:30am - Original Strength resets and Primal Move - 30 minutes

7:00am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

7:15am - Training session - DB PR with the 24, and then 1H SW with the 28

Warm up -
TGUs 16 kg, 1+1 
DB DLs 32 kg, 5, ALT 1H DL, 5 each arm
TK PR with 16kg, 5 L/R
G Sq 24 kg, 10
DB PR with 16 kgs, 5
2H SW 24 kg, 10

CL, then DB PR 24 kg, 2 (26 total reps) (did this on a 15-minute timer)

1H SW 28 kg 5 L/R X 5 (25 reps each arm)

Finisher - a few loaded carries, rack walks putting all of the bells away.

8:10am - Complete

Notes - This was a good training session, centered around the DB PR.  I really worked on great cleans, tensing up in the rack in the glutes, squeezing the bells, getting the breathing right.  These were all really good, strong reps, nowhere near failure, I had a bunch left in the tank.  I wonder seriously if I could have DB PR some 32s today.  Definitely 28s.  Good to just build on this over time.  My favorite lift still - the DB PR.  Felt awesome to be doing some again. Really strong reps with the 1H SW with the 28 as well, starting to feel more like a 24 which is an excellent sign :)