Friday, May 10, 2013

5/10/13 Friday May 10, 2013 (2H SW w Kevin)

Woke up late and dead tired - no time for joint mobility or kettlebell warmup other than about 10 minutes of lacrosse ball release on my traps.

6:30am - Training session with Kevin

We worked in some more Primal Move stuff, primarily some crawling and side to side with pushups.  Totally awesome stuff.  Really like Primal Move.

We warmed up doing a few DLs, then got right into 2H SW, 24, 32, and 36 bells.

Did a lot of hike swing parks, singles, just really dialing in the technique on the SW.  Lots of cues on the starting position, really getting a big chest, keeping elbows straight and locked.  My butt was sitting a little low in the start so we raised it slightly.  Big focus on a little more butt back in the swing to engage the glutes just slight more (just a little bit more squat Kevin said).  We then many sets of 10.

We worked on some goblet squats to check technique.  Good cues by Kevin to push the bell away from me in the hole position, and then "break" the bell or otherwise pull my chest into the bell.  I liked the cues and will work on this at home.

Lastly we checked in on the TGU.  I was very encouraged by Kevin's comments as he clearly saw some improvement from just a week ago, and it was obvious I had practiced.  He mentioned dropping in some 20 kgs in addition to the 16 so I will do that.

7:50am - Finish

Great session, I am really learning a lot from Kevin.  The last week and a half, I have really turned a corner here.  Great, great stuff.

5/9/13 Thursday May 9, 2013 (1H SW)

5:45am - Joint mobility drills and Primal Move - 45 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

6:45am - Training session - 1H SW, 16, 20, 24, alternating sets of 10 to get 180 reps L / R

Warm up -
GSq, 24kg, 5
DB DLs 32 kg, 5, ALT 1H DL, 5 each arm
TK PR with 16kg, 5 L/R

SW session 5X for the following combo:

1H SW 16, 10 L, 10 R (20)
1H SW 20, 10 L, 10 R (20)
1H SW 24, 10 L, 10 R (20)

A total of 150 reps per arm.

Finisher - a few loaded carries,overhead walks, rack walks putting all of the bells away.

7:15am - Complete

Notes - Great session.  Very strong with every bell, including the 24.  First time I have done sets of 10 with the 24 like this.  Great progress.