Friday, September 1, 2017

9/1/17 Friday September 1, 2017 (DB 24kgs complex)

6:15am - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, lacrosse ball release, hamstring work  - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:00am- Training session - DB 24kgs complex

24kg TGU x 1/1
DB 36kgs DL x 5

20 minutes:
DB 24kgs CL x 2 SS PR x 2
DB 24kgs CL x 3 SS PR x 3
DB 24kgs CL x 5 SS PR x 5

Got in 4 sets, plus 2/2, total of 42 reps per movement

40kg 2H Hike Swing Park x 3 (trying to get that feel back for the swing)

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

7:40am - Complete

Notes - This was an excellent training session.  Best I have felt in a while here body wise so that is encouraging.  Technique with double bells improving as I have a few more reps in the tank now over the last week.  Very explosive, yet controlled with the cleans.


  1. nice work, lol. Hike. Swing, Park, is it's true name. Should have insisted on calling it that. A great drill

  2. Thank you Mark! I had heard you were creator of the Hike Swing Park.... I have been using the "HSP" to get back the hinge in my swing, as well as "playing chicken with the bell" after the float. For some reason things got a bit off technique wise on my swing and doing the "one rep swings" with the HSP I have always found to be a really good drill. It is also challenging enough if you stay tight after parking the bell and stay down in the start position, never letting your hands leave the bell. I have also found that doing "Hike Swing Snatches" in the same manner is really outstanding, particularly with a heavier bell, for reps of 3-5 per arm, then rest. I tend to maintain better power and better lockouts that way. A very underrated movement I think.
