Wednesday, August 5, 2015

8/5/15 Wednesday August 5, 2015 (walk at Greenlake)

7:15 - 8:00am - walk at Greenlake

Notes - Went to see my friend Molly, SFG1, at her FUELHouse KB studio over in Fremont.  What an awesome place, she just opened a month or so ago.  That's a place I can definitely drop into in the future to do a bit of group training here and there, would be a lot of fun to mix things up and meet some people.  Pretty exciting.  A great thing to do on "deload" weeks when I am not working a program with Kevin, or just something for variety.  After dropping in on Molly, I got a coffee and just took a nice walk.  Really enjoyed this.  A planned recovery day in between 4 days of training this week, same as last week, this worked well and decided to take the same approach.  Snatching the 20kg bell tomorrow.  Excited.