Tuesday, December 26, 2017

12/25/17 Monday December 25, 2017 (Hawaii - barbell deadlift)

Training from Kauai Hawaii

1:20pm - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 30 minutes

1:50pm- Training session - Barbell DL

DB 20lbs stacked TGU x 1/1
DB 40lbs kickstand DL x 5/5
Push-up x 5
Pull-up x 3

Barbell deadlift, conventional stance:

135 lbs x 3
145 lbs x 3
155 lbs x 3
165 lbs x 3
hanging from the bar
175 lbs x 3
185 lbs x 3
hanging from the bar
185 lbs x 3
185 lbs x 3


Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand

3:00pm - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Tuesday.  Training yesterday, Christmas day from Kauai Hawaii while on vacation with my fiance and her family!  Had a lot of fun with this training session.  I have literally never done a training session with a focus on barbell deadlift.  I have almost never deadlifted with a barbell.  I have CLEARLY been missing out on a potential for very effective overall strength gains.  I have known this for some time but have not pulled the trigger to purchase a barbell for the home training gym.   I have the potential with my squat rack / pull-up bar already in the home gym and can make the move to get a few more MMA pads for the floor and have a good set up for deadlifting.  Need a bar and some plates.  I am going to talk to Kevin about this and determine how much it would cost to get a good barbell and plates.  Writing this the day after deadlifting, I am really respecting what an overall body lift it is.  My traps feel blown up, chest (holding the bar at lockout I presume), glutes, hamstrings, etc.  It's a different feeling than kettlebell lifting.  Seems like I would need more recovery time and some very intelligent programming with this lift as it really taps you.  I was concerned about overdoing it and am very glad I stopped at 8 overall sets.  The bar was flying off the ground, all reps felt good (I re set after each rep, basically doing these as singles, and rested between sets).  I only deadlifted up to 185, not even close to my actual bodyweight, and felt like I got a tremendous training session in.  What a great lift.  I have zero interest in benchpressing again and zero interest in barbell back squats, but the deadlift is different.  Time to discuss this with Kevin.