8:00am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")
1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1
8:15am - Training session - Focus on DB SS PR 24 kgs, 1H SW 32 kgs
TGU 20kg, 3+3
DB DL 32kgs, 5 2X
DB SS PR 24 kgs, 15 minutes timed, AMRAP - did 4/4 x 8, 3/3 x 4, total of 44 reps per arm (last week 9 sets 4/4, total of 36 reps per arm)
Rest 5 full minutes.
1H SW 32 kg, 5 minutes, 10/10 on the minute (100 reps)
8:45am - Complete
Notes - I was really pleased with the improvement today in one week on the DB SS PR, I increased the work capacity by almost 20% compared with last week. I maintained very good form throughout the timed set of 15 minutes. After 8 sets of 4/4, I was at the 10 minute mark, and decided to drop down to 3/3 to ensure I did not get close to failure and made all of the reps. That was a good call and it allowed me to get good presses all the way to the end. I used my glutes more this week, which helped the presses, and also tried to squeeze the hell out of the handles on the press. I really like the DB SS PR. After completing the set, I could tell I was quite fatigued in my left arm, trap etc. - that is my less strong arm. Certainly no pain, but probably after doing the pull-ups yesterday and then the focused pressing session, that was pretty hard work. I thought I would do some active recovery before doing 1H SW with the 32kg, so I rested 5 full minutes, shaking out tension, and then hit the 5 minute sets of the 1H SW with the 32kg. No problems whatsoever. Great stuff.
TGU 20kg, 3+3
DB DL 32kgs, 5 2X
DB SS PR 24 kgs, 15 minutes timed, AMRAP - did 4/4 x 8, 3/3 x 4, total of 44 reps per arm (last week 9 sets 4/4, total of 36 reps per arm)
Rest 5 full minutes.
1H SW 32 kg, 5 minutes, 10/10 on the minute (100 reps)
8:45am - Complete
Notes - I was really pleased with the improvement today in one week on the DB SS PR, I increased the work capacity by almost 20% compared with last week. I maintained very good form throughout the timed set of 15 minutes. After 8 sets of 4/4, I was at the 10 minute mark, and decided to drop down to 3/3 to ensure I did not get close to failure and made all of the reps. That was a good call and it allowed me to get good presses all the way to the end. I used my glutes more this week, which helped the presses, and also tried to squeeze the hell out of the handles on the press. I really like the DB SS PR. After completing the set, I could tell I was quite fatigued in my left arm, trap etc. - that is my less strong arm. Certainly no pain, but probably after doing the pull-ups yesterday and then the focused pressing session, that was pretty hard work. I thought I would do some active recovery before doing 1H SW with the 32kg, so I rested 5 full minutes, shaking out tension, and then hit the 5 minute sets of the 1H SW with the 32kg. No problems whatsoever. Great stuff.