Tuesday, March 10, 2020

3/9/20 Monday March 9, 2020 (BB Squat, OHP, Chin-firing protocol for L elbow)

12:00pm - belly breathing, Primal Move practice, Original Strength resets  - 45 minutes

12:45pm - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar + Crooked Arm bar 20kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

1:00pm- Training session -  BB Squat, OHP, Chin-firing protocol for L elbow

24kg TGU x 1/1
48kg DL x 5
24kg 2H SW x 10

48kg DL x 5
32kg 2H SW x 10, x 2

BB Squat:
45 bar x 5
135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
325 x 1

work sets
350 x 5 x 3 sets


warm up
47.5 bar x 5
107.5 x 5
127.5 x 3

work sets
137.5 x 5 x 3 sets

pin firing protocol for left elbow:

25 sets of chins x 3, on the minute, 30 minutes (estimate)

hanging from the bar

Indian clubs 2 minutes

Band wrist extensions, 10 x 2 sets per hand
6lb sledgehammer hammer rotations, 10/10
6lb sledgehammer finger walks, 1/1, x 2

2:15pm - Complete

Notes - Well that was tough as hell.  Terrible recovery over the weekend traveling to and from Spokane, sick, I knew this was going to be very, very difficult to do. I got the squats done.  The last set was hard as hell.  Got it done.  The OHP was tougher than expected, due to poor recovery and the squat effort, but again, got it done.  Onward.