Sunday, May 15, 2016

5/14/16 Saturday May 14, 2016 (KB circuit)

1:45pm - belly breathing, lacrosse ball, Primal Move practice - 15 minutes

2:00pm - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 8X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 8X each side / each leg (total 16X)
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

2:15pm- Training session - KB circuit

16kg TGU to windmill, 3/3
24kg box rows, 3/3
48kg DL, 5
24kg SN, 10/10

24kg 2H SW, 20

2:45pm - Complete

Notes - Very good training session.  Woke up feeling a little bit beat up.  Doing a max effort on the press takes it out of you, CNS gets a little depleted straining for that PR.  I decided to wait to train until early afternoon and by that time was feeling very ready to go.  All of the movements were strong, particularly loved snatching with the 24kg, 100 reps, last rep as strong and powerful as the first.  I noticed afterwards for several hours that my back was feeling amazing after this training session, which was pretty cool.  Now that I worked out a technique flaw weeks ago and got my feet placement much wider, I have been noticing major improvements on the ballistic lifts.  Was great to see this with the 24kg SN.

5/13/16 Friday May 13, 2016 (Training with Kevin - 40kg CL&PR - PR)

5:45am - Primal move, KB halos, arm bars

6:15am - Training with Kevin

Very good session.  We worked on some foam roll, then get-ups to the windmill with 20kgs, and then later on worked on windmills with no weight, just getting the form down.  This is a movement I need to practice more, it is going to be tested, and I am not great at it.  We did some 2H and 1H SW with the 24kg, did some goblet squats with the 24kg, just working on correct form, getting the feet placement down.  We then did some pressing, first with the 32kg, then the 36kg, my previous PR.  The 36kg went up on both sides extremely easily, with no sticking point at all on either side.  That was very cool to see.  We then tried the 40kg press.  I was surprised but didn't get it on my R side, I needed a little assistance from Kevin to get through the sticking point.  The R side is my stronger side as I am right handed.  However that side also gets tighter on the base on the neck and the biceps insertion into the shoulder, into the pec, than the left side, and it was tight morning.  I should have done more thoracic spine and lacrosse ball work to loosen it, and I would have been fine.  Frustrating but I will get it next time.  The awesome thing is that I cleaned and pressed the 40kg on the L side, my weaker side, without any issue at all and barely even hit a sticking point. That was a great, great lift.  So I can now say I am the proud owner of a 40kg press :)  This is very exciting indeed.  I remember at SFG1 in November 2014, I could not yet press the 36kg.  This awesome to see and very encouraging as I keep training for SFG2 in Dallas this August.  One final point that was interesting is that I weighed myself and I am coming in at about 215 lbs.  That is easily the heaviest I have ever been in my life.  I have put on a hell of a lot of muscle in the last year and gotten a lot stronger.  I could be a bit leaner, and I likely will put some time into that this summer, but I am moving very well and carrying this weight very well.  I am proud of the work I have put in and look forward to continuing to try and hone my craft.

7:30am - Done