Friday, July 31, 2015

7/31/15 Friday July 31, 2015 (16kg KB aerobics)

6:50am - belly breathing, OS resets  - 15 minutes

7:05am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:20am- Training session - 16kg kettlebell aerobics

16kg SL DL, 3/3
16kg TGU, 1/1

15 minutes of KB aerobics:

16 kg CL 1, PR 1, FSQ 1, 1H SW 5, switch hands - 1 set
rest between sets

think I did something like 8 sets in the 15 minutes


7:45am - Complete

Notes - Quick day today, very efficient, and a nice session.  Worked up just a bit of a sweat and got some solid movements in with what felt like a ridiculously light bell.  Will be fun to move up to the 20kg next week, see how it goes, hopefully getting through that fine and onto the 24kg bell to keep this progression going.  Nice to be working back into form here. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

7/30/15 Thursday July 30, 2015 (16kg 1H SW, SN ladders)

5:45am - belly breathing, OS resets  - 30 minutes

6:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:30am- Training session - 16kg 1H SW / SN ladders

16kg SLDL, 3/3
16kg TGUs, 1/1

5 1H SW, 1 SN, hand switch
4 1H SW, 2 SN, hand switch
3 1H SW, 3 SN, hand switch
2 1H SW, 4 SN, hand switch
1 1H SW, 5 SN, hand switch

30 SW / 30 SN per arm


7:00am - Complete

Notes - Awesome.  So I am back in the game with snatching.  A toe in the water but this was excellent.  Really, really focused on form, using the hips, lockout, pausing, etc.  Wasn't that pleased with lockout on the L arm but I am working on it, some reps were really good, just takes more focus.  R arm was awesome, best lockouts probably ever there, which was cool.  A great start back into snatching.  Really pleased.  Will see how the body reacts and recovers.  

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

7/29/15 Wednesday July 29, 2015 (walk at Greenlake)

7:15 - 7:45am - walk at Greenlake

Notes - got a coffee this morning and just took a nice walk.  Really enjoyed this.  A planned recovery day in between 4 days of training this week. I am excited to snatch the KB tomorrow.  "Just" a 16kg but this is the first step on the road back, which is awesome.  Looking forward to focusing on technique and dialing it in with some reps.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

7/28/15 Tuesday July 28, 2015 (DB 16kg FSQ, 24kg 2H SW)

6:50am - belly breathing, lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets, hamstring stretches  - 60 minutes

7:50am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:05am- Training session - DB 16kg FSQ, 24kg 2H SW

16kg TGUs, 1/1
16kg GSQ, 5
16kg BU FSQ, 3/3

DB 16kg FSQ, 5
24kg 2H SW, 10

50 reps swings


8:30am - Complete

Notes - Another good day.  Wanted to get warmed up quicker but was helping my kids with some things - it is my son's 6th birthday today and I stayed home from work again to spend some time with him.  Yesterday I went down to Tacoma for his pool party, and it was really fun.  I had him, his sister, and all of the cousins hanging off me in the pool and we had a lot of fun just messing around.  Throwing those kids around and playing in the pool felt great, no worries at all with the back etc. etc. and that really tells me I have been making some strides and coming back around again to feeling better and being myself.  Today was another step in that direction with some solid technique, good pace, no issues here.  Looking forward to a walk around Greenlake in the morning as it will be a day off from the bells, back to to them Thursday / Friday based on the 4x schedule per week this cycle that Kevin laid out. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

7/27/15 Monday July 27, 2015 (DB 16kg SS PR, 24kg 2H SW)

7:35am - belly breathing, lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets, hamstring stretches  - 60 minutes

8:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:50am- Training session - DB 16kg SS PR, 24kg 2H SW

16kg TGUs, 1/1, x 2

DB 16kg SS PR, 5
24kg 2H SW, 10

50 reps swings


9:20am - Complete

Notes - Good start to the new cycle other than I was very tired waking up, no surprise as it has been a series of late nights and not enough sleep for the last 3-4 days.  Good technique on these lifts, things felt good, nice to press a bit.  I focused on squeezing the glutes and trying to press off that base, and keeping tight in the abs.  

Sunday, July 26, 2015

7/25/15 Saturday July 25, 2015 (pull-ups, push-ups, DB 24kg carries)

Writing this late Sunday night.  Got down to a quick training session at the lake with the kids before their swimming lessons started at 11am.  Had to move as we were going to the M's game at 110pm for a belated Father's Day gift to myself.  Fun day.

Hanging from rings

8 pull-ups (rings)
5 push-ups

7 pull-ups
5 push-ups

6 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

Total pull-ups - 31.  Up one from last week.  Possibly starting to hit a max, it may be time to back off, not sure.  I was going at these without almost any rest at all.  If I can get a little bit more rest periods next week, I should be able to add another rep without a huge issue.  Cool to see these numbers build up.

Came back home, did 3 sets of DB 24kg farmer carries up and down my street, on a hill, probably about 90 seconds each.

Nice 90 minute walk at the lake today and some Pain Free supine groin stretch this evening before bed for 60 minutes.  Feeling good and ready to start the week.  3 week cycle starting, excited about Kevin's program, let's do this.

Friday, July 24, 2015

7/24/15 Friday July 24, 2015 (training with Kevin)

5:30am - OS resets, halos with an 8k and 12kg bell

6:00am - Great day today.  It has been some time since Kevin and I trained together, and this was nice.  We worked on the following

Arm bars 16kg - getting the technique down again, I have been doing these but felt they could be improved.  Making sure the shoulder is packed, and a little rotation externally to further get into position.  These were good, I can get this feeling consistently.

TGUs 16kg - much more solid, these felt pretty damn good.  Kevin gave me a nice cue on the roll to elbow, by starting with my forearm vertical instead of laying on the ground.  It helps to jam the elbow into the ground to start the roll.  I liked it.  He also gave me a cue with the bell overhead with both legs on the ground, before starting the leg sweep.  Good tips.

GSq 16kg - felt good, Kevin gave me a cue to not make this "two movements" which I was a little bit by trying to hip hinge initially and sit back, then descend.  We fixed this in about 2 reps, started really hitting the groove.  Good reminder cue to pull the knees to the chest.

supersets -
DB 16kg SS PR
2H SW 24kg
DB 16kg FSQ

All of these movements felt really good, did a few different sets.

Plan is to do a week with 16s, then next week 20s, then third week, 24s.  This is going to be a good progression.  Also just going to try some light snatches with the 16kg.  Big cycle coming up to see if I can get through some barriers.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

7/23/15 Thursday July 23, 2015 (OS resets, 16kg TGUs)

7:00am - lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets  - 30 minutes

7:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:45am- Training session - 16kg TGUs

16kg TGU, 1/1, x 2

7:55am - Complete

Notes - Felt really good today, especially for coming off squatting yesterday for the first time in some time. Very encouraging.  My overhead position in the TGUs is clearly getting better. This is exciting.  Going to keep doing these nearly every single day and get this OH stuff worked out and get back to where I was before. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

7/22/15 Wednesday July 22, 2015 (DB 20kg FSQ, 24kg 2H SW HSP)

6:20am - lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets  - 40 minutes

7:00am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:15am- Training session - DB 20kg FSQ, 24kg 2H SW HSP

SL glute bridge, 8
48kg DL, 8

Warm up those glutes

DB 20kg FSQ, 5

25 reps DB FSQ

After each set, either crawling on the ground, or walking cross crawls, or a back bridge

24kg 2H SW, 15

75 reps swings


7:50am - Complete

Notes - Big day,  Not insignificant, and I am on the comeback trail here in a major way.  First time squatting in months, I think I went about this in a positive way, good warm ups, tried to fire the glutes up with several prep movements, and then tried to use the time between squat sets to keep moving, especially for the hips.  Finished with swings, decided to do some longer rep sets with the lighter bell, just keeping that hip hinge going with the focus on great technique, power on every rep.  This was a really exciting day for me. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

7/21/15 Tuesday July 21, 2015 (OS resets, 16kg TGUs, farmers 24kgs)

6:00am - lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets  - 30 minutes

6:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

6:45am- Training session - 16kg TGUs, DB 24kg farmers

16kg TGU, 1/1, x 2
DB 24kg farmers, 3 sets, about a minute each

7:00am - Complete

Notes - Felt really good today and very encouraged about things.  Looking forward to keeping this going.  A bit of Indian Club tonight and also planning on doing more supine groin stretch from Pain Free.

7/20/15 Monday July 20, 2015 (20kg BU FSQ, 28kg 2H SW HSP)

6:15am - lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets  - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

7:00am- Training session - 20kg BU FSQ, 28kg 2H SW HSP

Set of triples of BU FSQ with the 20kg before each swing set

SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park,
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park

Total reps -
3+3 16kg BU FSQ
50+50+50 2H SW with 28kg

Indian clubs - 5 minutes

7:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on Tuesday morning  OK this is huge I think. Feeling better.  Long walk around Greenlake on Sunday, and I have gotten back into doing some Pain Free exercises for the hips / low back / shoulders as a "cool down" before bed. Mainly the supine groin stretch which has been big for me at times in the past when I have dealt with mobility issues / soft tissue problems.  I did this again last night (it takes 45 minutes to an hour and basically it's a restful period right before bed, almost like sleeping) and it is absolutely helping.  Getting some muscle spasms and things are definitely changing, it's like things are finally calming down and some muscles are being allowed to release.  The training session on Monday went very well, very strong reps, really, really feeling it in the glutes as opposed to low back which is great.  Technique is getting dialed in, better starting position, and just all in all, some good work here.  I am very encouraged and just planning on keeping this up.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

7/18/15 Saturday July 18, 2015 (pull-ups, push-ups, DB 24kg carries)

Got down to a quick training session at the lake with the kids after their swimming lessons, and before we went to see a movie the theater together.  Fun day today.

Hanging from rings

8 pull-ups (rings)
5 push-ups

7 pull-ups
5 push-ups

6 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

4 pull-ups
5 push-ups

Total pull-ups - 30.  Awesome.  Top set starting with 8 reps and not a problem on this or any of the sets.  Really excited about the pull-up progress over the last few months, it's been good.

Came back home, did 3 sets of DB 24kg farmer carries up and down my street, on a hill, probably about 90 seconds each.

Trying to work on some tight spots from playing kickball yesterday, looking to do a nice walk at the lake tomorrow.

7/17/15 Friday July 17, 2015 (48kg DL, 32kg 2H SW HSP)

7:30am - lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets  - 65 minutes

8:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:50am- Training session - 48kg DL, 16kg BU FSQ / BU PR, 32kg 2H SW HSP

SL glute bridges, 8/8
48kg DL, 8

Set of triples of BU FSQ with the 16kg before each swing set

SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park,
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park

Total reps -
3+3 16kg BU FSQ
50+50+50 2H SW with 32kg

9:30am - Complete

Notes - Writing this late on Saturday evening.  This was a good training session.  Still working through some tight spots for sure, and took a long time to get ready to train.  Lots of mobility and soft tissue work.  Just a tough stretch with travel, etc. etc. With all that said once I got to training this went very well, reps felt strong, nice to use the 32kg and not really have it feel too much different from the 24kg.  24kg Monday, 28kg Wed, 32kg Friday.  Good progression.  Played a big kickball match for work all afternoon, and moved around very well, I was very pleased about that.  Definitely have a few tight spots, R hamstring in particular from the kicking, but working that out today with some mobility and stretches has been ok.  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

7/16/15 Thursday July 16, 2015 (OS resets, TGUs)

7:30am - lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets  - 45 minutes

8:15am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:30am- Training session - 16kg TGUs

16kg TGU, 1/1, x 2

8:40am - Complete

Notes - Felt pretty good at most times today.  Definitely now realize the impact of the tight Psoas on the L side.  This is absolutely a major contributor to what is going on.  Did some direct lacrosse ball work on it, rolling on my stomach, both sides, and was immediately surprised at the relief.  Have to keep doing some work on this.  Really kind of hit me right in the face that this is big - as usual, site of the discomfort in the low back is likely not the real trouble zone, it's the psoas.  It's a tough muscle to get at.  I could definitely use some professional massage work but my guy Marty is in the UK until early August.   I should probably reach out to Dave, my friend and bodyworker / acupunturist as he could work on the psoas directly.  

7/15/15 Wednesday July 15, 2015 (28kg 2H SW HSP, 16kg TGUs)

Back from Spokane

1:15pm - OS resets, lacrosse ball work  - 20 minutes

1:35pm - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

1:50pm- Training session - 16kg BU FSQ, 28kg 2H SW HSP, 16kg TGUs

Set of triples of BU FSQ with the 16kg before each swing set

SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park,
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park

Total reps -
3+3 16kg BU FSQ
50+50+50 2H SW with 28kg

TGUs - 16kg, 1/1, x 2

2:20pm - Complete

4:30pm - Kinetics appt

Notes - OK, a good day.  Was feeling a bit worn out this morning, was up very late with coworkers last night.  Had a nice breakfast with my old professor and good friend before leaving Spokane.  Got back, got warmed up pretty quickly, hit my training session and bumped up the bell from 24kg on Monday to 28kg today.  No difference at all, was not hard, good sign.  Did work up a sweat and it was nice and hot.  Dropped the deadlift warm-up (kind of by accident) but did get in some TGUs, first time I have done these in months which is significant.  Didn't do many, and just 16kg, but it is abundantly apparent to me that pulling these from training was dumb.  I need to get my overhead shit sorted out and TGUs are going to be the way to it.  Not even heavy. Damn good reps in terms of technique, just really dialing this in and helping to get that L shoulder stabilized, moving properly, elbow fully locked, etc.  Going to talk to Kevin but I don't think presses or snatches are the right thing for overhead at this point.  For upper body I'd like to go with consistent TGUs and the pull-ups / push-ups as the main movements because those don't seem to bother me.  The grinding presses just don't seem right at this point.  It sucks to say that but I simply need to go back to the basics and figure this out.  I did have a Kinetics appt and Michael pointed out that he thinks a lot of what I am feeling when things get tight in the low back on the L side is actually a tight psoas muscle on the L side, and I think he is right.  That's why I feel things in my oblique (which I did on these TGUs until I really focused on each step of the movement on my 2nd reps), hip flexor etc.  the fact it is intermittent is a good sign that there is nothing major there, just need to get the right muscles stabilizing and firiing, and not the wrong ones aka the psoas.  Work in progress.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

7/14/15 Tuesday July 14, 2015 (walk in Spokane, OS resets)

In Spokane for work

5:30am - 30 minute walk

6:00am - 15 minutes of OS resets

Notes - Obviously not much going on here but a bit of recovery work.  Felt ok but then had to literally sit all day long in meetings at a prospective client.  Very exciting but all of this sitting is just killing me lately.  It sucks.  Had a great time with coworkers in the evening though and got a nice surprise by a good buddy who came from San Diego to surprise me.  Really cool.  Left shoulder really starting to loosen up and feel better, same with low back.  Made sure to stand and did plenty of walking in the evening, all of which felt very good.

7/13/15 Monday July 13, 2015 (48kg DL, 24kg 2H SW HSP)

7:30am - lacrosse ball, soft tissue work, OS resets  - 65 minutes

8:35am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:50am- Training session - 48kg DL, 16kg BU FSQ / BU PR, 24kg 2H SW HSP

SL glute bridges, 8/8
48kg DL, 8

Set of triples of BU FSQ with the 16kg before each swing set

SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park,
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park

Total reps -
3+3 16kg BU FSQ
50+50+50 2H SW with 24kg

9:30am - Complete

10am - Kinetics appt

Notes - This felt pretty solid though my warm up took forever, so tight still, tons of lacrosse ball work, form roll, trying to release some tight muscles in the back, hips, quads etc. Had a good appt at Kinetics and Michael did some good work on my L shoulder in particular which has really been acting up big time over the weekend and today.  That was good.  Getting back home was nice but another trip to Spokane this afternoon.  The travel is just killing me. 

7/11/15 Saturday July 11, 2015 (pull-ups, push-ups, DB 24kg carries and other)

Writing this late Wed night the 15th.  Got behind on logging training, but I have been training.

Got down to Greenlake in the late afternoon.  Brought my double 24kg bells with me, which ended up maybe being a bad idea.  Had just gotten home late the night before from a week in New Jersey which was very stressful (work project).

Hanging from rings

7 pull-ups (rings)
5 push-ups

7 pull-ups
5 push-ups

6 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

4 pull-ups
5 push-ups

Total pull-ups - 29.  Down 1 from last week.  These were very strong particularly considering that I had trained pull-ups a few times during the week in New Jersey.  This movement is very strong for me right now.  One thing I really see is significantly improved grip strength and it is translating into the pull-up which is pretty cool.  I have not quite figured out the grip improvement as I don't feel my training has been all that productive for months as I work through these mobility and injury issues, but I have done some things to help the grip (loaded carries regularly, consistent 2H SW I think has been good for it).  I definitely appreciate the improvement.  I feel like I could crush someone when I shake people's hand....

Now this is where things got a bit dumb possibly.  I was feeling pretty damn good and had brought my 24kg bells to do loaded carries.  I was feeling it so I cleaned the bells a few times, did a few squats with them, did a few single bell clean and presses, walked with them in the rack, then finished with double carry work.  All in all, maybe 15-20 minutes of work.  I tightened up like a motherfucker later that evening and felt like shit on Sunday.  I could not figure out if this was the bell work, or the after effects of flying back from the east coast, the entire week, stress, etc.  In hindsight I do not think it was the bell work as I didn't do anything all that crazy but it was NOT the right time to do that work.  Not after coming back from traveling etc.  That was dumbass stuff and I paid for the indiscretion for a couple of days.  Tight in the shoulders, L in particular, ROM not good, R side neck tight, low back stuff definitely cropping up.  Just all over the place really.

Friday, July 10, 2015

7/10/15 Friday July 10, 2015 (walk, OS resets, DB SLDLs, BB front squats)

6:20am - 6:50am - OS resets

6:50am - 7:15am - SL DLs with 50 lb dbs, superset with bb FSQs

DB 50lb dumbbells, SLDLs, 5/5
FSQ with the bar, 5

Bodyweight SLDLs, 5/5
FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 5

50lb goblet squats, 5
FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 4

FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 3

FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 5

FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 4

FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 3

hanging from the bar and 1 pull-up

Notes - Good day.  Got in front squat practice and changed the style to more of a "bodybuilding" style by folding arms and placing the bar on top, rather than holding it in the wrists (Olympic style).  This worked well and I was pleased with it. Good to get some squatting in.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

7/9/15 Thursday July 9, 2015 (OS resets, pull-ups/push-ups, DB carries)

6:20am - 6:55am - OS resets and other mobility

6:55am - 7:15am - pull-ups superset with push-ups, followed by dumbbell carries with 50 lb dbs

5 pull-ups (neutral grip)
5/5 one leg push-ups

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups

4 pull-ups
3/3 lizard push-ups

4 pull-ups
5/5 one leg push-ups

3 pull-ups
10 push-ups

21 pull-ups
26 push-ups

db 50 lb db carries, 1 minute, x 2

Notes - pretty good day all things considered.  Good mobility work and OS resets in the morning.   Low back feeling good.  Been improving each day all week.  Looking forward to getting back to Seattle and hopefully into a groove at home.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

7/8/15 Wednesday July 8, 2015 (walk, OS resets, DB SLDLs, BB front squats)

6:20am - 6:50am - OS resets

6:50am - 7:20am - SL DLs with 50 lb dbs, superset with bb FSQs

DB 35lb dumbbells, SLDLs, 5/5
FSQ with the bar, 5

DB 35lb dumbbells, SLDLs, 5/5
FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 5

DB 35lb dumbbells, SLDLs, 5/5
FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 4

FSQ with 50 lbs on the bar, 3

pull-ups, 3

Notes - Interesting day.  SLDLs with the dumbbells were ok.  I didn't have any box to set the dbs down on, so I went down until the ROM felt like it would be potentially painful to go lower (aka not all the way to the floor).  These aren't nearly as good as kettlebells but it was ok.  I tried front squatting with a bar for the first time in my life.  Interesting. I could not get the bar position quite right (not high enough up on the clavicle / chest, and I don't have the range of motion in my wrists like an Olympic weightlifter so it was challenging.  Next time I might use "bodybuilder" style technique where your cross your arms to hold up the bar.  Going to watch a little YouTube videos to see the technique.  I think it will be easier for me.  Going to try a few reps tomorrow.  Nothing heavy, just trying to get a bit of squatting in.  Body felt pretty good today, going to get some good mobility and a bit of walking in this evening.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

7/7/15 Tuesday July 7, 2015 (walk, OS resets, pull-ups/push-ups, DB carries)

6:15am - 6:45am - walk outside my hotel

6:45 - 7:00am - OS resets

7:00am - 7:20am - pull-ups superset with push-ups, followed by dumbbell carries with 50 lb dbs

5 pull-ups (neutral grip)
5/5 one leg push-ups

5 pull-ups
3/3 lizard push-ups

4 pull-ups
5 push-ups

3 pull-ups
5/5 one leg push-ups

3 pull-ups
3/3 lizard push-ups

20 pull-ups
26 push-ups

db 50 lb db carries, 1 minute, x 2

Notes - writing this at end of the day.  Wow, my body felt way, way, way better today.  Dramatic improvement.  I worked the OS resets pretty hard last night, and again this morning.  Just goes to show you that all of this travel is hard on the old body, but I am working to bounce back.  I am encouraged.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.  Going to do a little bit of leg work tomorrow, some body weight single leg dead lifts, and some very light front squats with a bar and not much weight.  I feel like squatting.

Monday, July 6, 2015

7/6/15 Monday July 6, 2015 (walk, OS resets)

6:15am - 45 minute walk outside of my hotel in NJ

11:30pm - OS resets and other mobility work

Notes - Did not feel good today, at all.  Low back stuff, coming intermittently in and out.  Man this is frustrating, but I just have to keep at it and move forward.  I don't know what the hell to say about it other than I just cannot seem to shake this completely.  Just have to keep my head up, keep up the mobility and other work.  Going to get in some push-ups, pull-ups, more walking tomorrow.  Hope for a better day in terms of how I feel.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

7/4/15 Saturday July 4, 2015 (pull-ups, push-ups)

Writing this late Sunday night from New Jersey.  Got down to Greenlake in the early afternoon at 12:30 after dropping off the kids to Jill and before getting ready to fly to NJ.  Quick session, with some good walking before and after.

20 minute walk

Hanging from rings

7 pull-ups (rings)
3/3 shoulder taps

7 pull-ups
3/3 shoulder taps

6 pull-ups
3/3 shoulder taps

5 pull-ups (wanted 6)
3/3 shoulder taps

3 pull-ups (wanted 4)
3/3 shoulder taps

20 minute walk

Total pull-ups - 28.  Down 1 from last week.  This was ok.  I had just trained late the night before and I was somewhat concerned about a lack of recovery.  These did feel very strong.  Walk felt good, no issues with low back or oblique with any of this.

7/3/15 Friday July 3, 2015 (16kg TK PR, 24kg 2H SW HSP, push-ups)

Back from Friday Harbor with the kids

9:00pm - FMS and other warm up drills  - 30 minutes

9:30pm - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

9:45pm- Training session - 16kg TK PR, 24kg 2H SW HSP, push-ups

16kg TK PR, 6/6
24kg 2H SW, 15
push-ups, 6

10:15pm - Complete

Notes - Not bad here.  Did this training session late after getting back from Friday Harbor with the kids - we had a great time.  Certainly was tight, lots of traveling, but got reasonably warmed up and this felt pretty good.  Still noticing the low back / oblique stuff but working on it.  Upped the swings to 75 total reps from 50 on Tuesday for this session, that felt good, really solid reps with good float, really engaging the glutes.  

7/2/15 Thursday July 2, 2015 (48kg DL, 32kg 2H SW HSP)

7:00am - FMS and other warm up drills, (belly breathing, form roll, wall drops with 8k bell, breathing), lots of hip stretching, glute activation  - 65 minutes

8:05am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:20am- Training session - 48kg DL, 20kg BU FSQ / BU PR, 32kg 2H SW HSP

SL glute bridges, 8/8
48kg DL, 8

Set of doubles of BU PR or BU FSQ with the 20kg before each swing set

SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park,
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park

Total reps -
2+2 20kg BU FSQ, 4+4 20kg BU PR
50+50+50 2H SW with 32kg

9:00am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on late Sunday evening in NJ after traveling the last several days, first to the San Juan Islands with the kids on Thursday/Friday and then on the plane to NJ on Saturday afternoon.  It's been busy.  Have been noticing a bit of L lower back / oblique stuff again the last several days, it's been a difficult stretch in terms of traveling, just being out of the normal routine.  I continue to think that a decent bit of this stuff is actually related to my L shoulder, the one I fell on hard several times years ago and that I have less ROM and strength when compared to my R.  I think something has been up since doing double jerk work in April and then getting the setbacks.  I suspect that doing things that are focused on stability for that shoulder are really going to help things and I think I need to re-focus on this with certain mobility work, drills from Kinetics, and some Turkish Getups with lighter weights in particular which I have not been doing.  I need to get stability and good positon in the OH position.  When at Kinetics on Wed Michael had me press a 16kg bell overhead and then squat down (Sots press).  He was very pleased with how I moved, a lot of improvements, but I am not satisfied and really doing this with the bell in the L hand overhead was extremely hard for me.  I need to speak with Kevin and figure out what is going on here and really drill down on this weakness and make it a strength.  There is something to this.  Walking feels very good, mobility work feels very good.  I am going to be focusing on various Original Strength movements and just trying to take this week to keep things moving forward, in the face of what will be high-stress on this work project.  Now is not the time to push anything and I don't plan on it.  Had a really nice time today meeting my brother Nick in NJ and we went into NYC and saw a ton of places, had two nice meals, and it was just great to connect again.  That's really what it's all about at the end of the day - family, and friends, spending time with people that you love, and that love you back.  This other shit takes care of itself if you keep your eye on the big picture.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

7/1/15 Wednesday July 1, 2015 (walk, Kinetics)

7:30am - went for a nice walk at Greenlake for about 45 minutes.  Just got out of bed, put on my shoes, and went.  This felt great.  Nice sunny morning, got some coffee, and then breakfast after.

5:00pm - Appt at Kinetics - great stuff.  Did another movement re-exam and I am significantly improved from when I started this journey several weeks ago.  I am cleared for overhead movements. I have to work in New Jersey next week, it's probably going to be quite stressful knowing what I will be doing, so plan on just working some body weight stuff and walking outside as much as possible. I hope to be coming back to Seattle to be looking at Monday the 13th as the day to resume my progress towards SFG2 certification.  It's going to be a long road but I am excited to have a goal to strive for.  I am thinking sometime in 2016, before my SFG1 expires in November.  Going to start working a short and long-term plan with Kevin that keeps moving well as a primary goal but also appropriately progresses towards nailing down the SFG2 qualifications.