Sunday, July 5, 2015

7/2/15 Thursday July 2, 2015 (48kg DL, 32kg 2H SW HSP)

7:00am - FMS and other warm up drills, (belly breathing, form roll, wall drops with 8k bell, breathing), lots of hip stretching, glute activation  - 65 minutes

8:05am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

8:20am- Training session - 48kg DL, 20kg BU FSQ / BU PR, 32kg 2H SW HSP

SL glute bridges, 8/8
48kg DL, 8

Set of doubles of BU PR or BU FSQ with the 20kg before each swing set

SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park,
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park

Total reps -
2+2 20kg BU FSQ, 4+4 20kg BU PR
50+50+50 2H SW with 32kg

9:00am - Complete

Notes - Writing this on late Sunday evening in NJ after traveling the last several days, first to the San Juan Islands with the kids on Thursday/Friday and then on the plane to NJ on Saturday afternoon.  It's been busy.  Have been noticing a bit of L lower back / oblique stuff again the last several days, it's been a difficult stretch in terms of traveling, just being out of the normal routine.  I continue to think that a decent bit of this stuff is actually related to my L shoulder, the one I fell on hard several times years ago and that I have less ROM and strength when compared to my R.  I think something has been up since doing double jerk work in April and then getting the setbacks.  I suspect that doing things that are focused on stability for that shoulder are really going to help things and I think I need to re-focus on this with certain mobility work, drills from Kinetics, and some Turkish Getups with lighter weights in particular which I have not been doing.  I need to get stability and good positon in the OH position.  When at Kinetics on Wed Michael had me press a 16kg bell overhead and then squat down (Sots press).  He was very pleased with how I moved, a lot of improvements, but I am not satisfied and really doing this with the bell in the L hand overhead was extremely hard for me.  I need to speak with Kevin and figure out what is going on here and really drill down on this weakness and make it a strength.  There is something to this.  Walking feels very good, mobility work feels very good.  I am going to be focusing on various Original Strength movements and just trying to take this week to keep things moving forward, in the face of what will be high-stress on this work project.  Now is not the time to push anything and I don't plan on it.  Had a really nice time today meeting my brother Nick in NJ and we went into NYC and saw a ton of places, had two nice meals, and it was just great to connect again.  That's really what it's all about at the end of the day - family, and friends, spending time with people that you love, and that love you back.  This other shit takes care of itself if you keep your eye on the big picture.  

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