Monday, February 17, 2020

2/17/20 Monday February 17, 2020 (20kg bell and pin firing chin protocol))

From San Diego

On vacation with Leah.  We went to the gym at the resort.  It was a shitty facility but they had some light kettlebells and I ended up doing about 30 minutes or so of work with a 20kg bell. Mostly single arm clean and jerks, some swings, some squats, a few presses.  Been working through issues with the left elbow (inner), so I put into place Rippetoe's pin firing protocol to work through this using low rep, high set chins.  Did doubles for 20 minutes, on the minute, got in 40 chin ups this way.  It was tough.  Sets 8 and 9 sucked and then it started getting better actually and has been feeling better for the rest of the day.  I am somewhat amazed and hope this sticks. The protocol is do this every 5 days for 3 weeks, adding reps every time, trying to go from 40 to 150 (wow).  All in very low sets (3 reps a set max, so the last time, you are talking about trying to work through this for 50 minutes, that sounds incredibly difficult).  Over the course of 3 weeks you are doing this 5 times.  So you need to add about 22 or so reps each time.  I'm planning on doing this and seeing it through.  From reading the Starting Strength boards, this has worked for a lot of people so I will run with it.

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