Friday, January 6, 2017

1/6/17 Friday January 6, 2017 (Training with Kevin)

5:55am - Primal move warm-up at home

6:20am - Training with Kevin

Notes - Solid day with Kevin.  We warmed up pretty slowly and caught up about the holidays.  Did some foam roller.

Arm bars with the 16kg, into a TGU, into a windmill.

Practiced windmills for a bit, my legs were too close together, so we worked on that, as well as keeping my front foot very light and getting a real hip crease, not a twist in the low back. That was helpful and some good cues there as I have been doing more windmills and really enjoying that movement.

Did some 24kg 2H swings, did some goblet squats, back and forth.  Started to work in some 16kg BU PR, multiple sets and reps.  Back and forth.  Practiced some batwings, double 12kgs, very solid, I have the form nailed down on those.  Sit back, weight in heels, pull hard but under control.  Long neck.

Then did some C&P with the 24kg, singles, doubles, then some 2H SW.  Moved to the 32kg, C&P, singles, doubles, 28kg 2H SW in between.  Then moved to the 36kg C&P, singles, 28kg 2H SW.

Finally we ended the session by trying some Push Press with the 40kg.  From lockout, focus on an extremely slow negative, try and get 5 seconds, and don't let the bell fall.  Pull that back into the rack.  That was tough as hell and a good exercise.

Training cycle coming up is going to involve a lot of days of pressing, with generally low volume on each day, but waving the volume a bit, with a fixed load - the 36kg.  Singles.  Going to be doing a whole lot of them.  We will balance out with swings, and a day of conditioning work that is going to include the push press with the 40kg and the slow eccentric back into the rack.

Kevin weighed me - 219 pounds, same weight as my SFGII cert the first week of August.  I am definitely stronger now but it's hard to believe that 5 months have gone by.  Had to use most of the month of August to get over niggling training issues from the lead up to SFGII (and I really was not at my best at the cert, had several issues bothering me).  I've had a few things come up here and there since then training wise but largely have been able to stay healthy, and I think the last couple of weeks for the holiday definitely got healthier.  We used the body fat calipers to test body fat and I am at 20%, which surprised me a little bit.  I should be at 15%, and I have work to do to lean out this year.  At 219 pounds I am carrying a very significant amount of muscle mass, and am moving pretty darn well, but a focus on the diet and cutting out unnecessary stuff should allow me to drop some weight fairly quickly.  Will see how this goes.  

8:00am - End

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