Friday, March 4, 2016

3/4/16 Friday March 4, 2016 (training with Kevin)

6:15am - Training with Kevin at Kettlebility

Great training day with Kevin.  Started out with some focused mobility work, doing some get-ups with the 16kg, and some various unweighted get-ups with a high bridge, crab for the thoracic spine, etc. to prepare for overhead work.  Did some 2H SW with the 24kg to get warmed up, into goblet squats.  Felt very good and strong.  Practiced some seesaw pressing with double 20kgs, then double 24kgs, working up to a set of 5.  Felt relatively easy honestly.  We then started working on some pressing with the 32kg, which felt great.  Just singles.  Also worked on a few heavy cleans with the 40kg, into a FSQ, using the off hand as a brace.  Very interesting there, a challenging movement for sure but felt good.  That 40kg wants to spill and you have to work hard to keep it in the rack.  We are going to use that in the next cycle.  Finished the day by doing a number of push presses with the 32kg, in sets of 2 or 3, including some rack holds as well at the end of each set.  Kevin decided he wants to use the push press as well in this cycle and get things to the point where the 32kg is primary the training weight for pressing, moving up from the 28kg which I have been really working hard on for the last number of cycles.  My one reaction from today is that the 32kg has never felt this manageable in my hands before - I really felt good cleaning that weight, strong in the rack, very connected to my hips, glutes etc.  The feedback from Kevin today was very positive and all around I am feeling fortunate to be on a roll, have a good coach guiding me, and just trying to get a little bit better in my daily practices towards the big goal of SFG II in Dallas in August.

7:30am - End

Finished up after training with an awesome breakfast at Portage Bay with Kevin - amazing grub and this is damn well how all Fridays should start!!

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