Friday, June 12, 2015

6/12/15 Friday June 12, 2015 (Jump rope, GF Method, 24kg 2H SW HSP, superset with push-ups)

8:00am - FMS and other warm up drills, Kinetics rehab (belly breathing, form roll, wall drops with 8k bell, scales 3/3, side planks, breathing, wall v slides) - 60 minutes

9:00am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1

9:15am- Training session - superset jump rope w Ground Force Method, superset 24kg 2H SW HSP w push-ups

Jump rope, 1 minute
Primal move - crawling, into a crab, into bridges with t-spine reach, 3 mins

24kg 2H SW + Park x 3-4-5
Push-ups x 2-3-5 reps

I screwed up what Kevin outlined for the swings.  This is what I did

SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park, 2 push-ups
SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park, 3 push-ups
SW 3, park, SW 3, park, SW 3, park, 5 push-ups

SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, 2 push-ups
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, 3 push-ups
SW 4, park, SW 4, park, SW 4, park, 5 push-ups

SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, 2 push-ups
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, 3 push-ups
SW 5, park, SW 5, park, SW 5, park, 5 push-ups

Total reps - 27+36+45=108 2H SW with 24kg
30 push-ups

9:50am - Complete

Late evening  - Indian Clubs, 5 minutes

Notes - Great day, just awesome.  Best I have felt after a training session in literally weeks, and this was the hardest I have trained in weeks.  Getting the right muscles warmed up and firing aka glutes, quads, hamstrings is paying off big time as is the rehab, etc. etc.  These swings felt great, all day was feeling very "put together" and a nice feeling in the low back too because it was not overworked and was being supported appropriately by the glutes, etc.  The corrections Kevin made to my swing on Wed to get deeper into the hinge in the set-up and really load up the glutes, get tight, make a big chest etc. are just key.  Getting a good set-up is so important for each lift.  I had lost that feeling admittedly I realize now and I appreciate it again and can get to that right set-up now.  This is really good and something to build from.  Also, Bridges in the warm up with the t-spine reach are huge.  That is a critical movement for me and one I am really focused on.  The crawling and everything in this training session was spot on.  And there was definitely a conditioning effect.   This was not easy.  I am looking forward to building on this from here for several weeks.  

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