Sunday, May 31, 2015

5/30/15 Saturday May 30, 2015 (pull-ups, push-ups, involuntary jogging)

An interesting day.  Certainly trying to pay attention to how my body is feeling.  Woke up, felt pretty good really, but after a bit noticed the same discomfort in the L low back, actually mainly the erector and a bit into the lat up the L side.  No pain, as usual.  Did some lacrosse ball release, that felt good.  At some point mid morning that all went away and I noticed general fatigue in my L shoulder, no pain at all, but is making me wonder a bit if there is something "from the top down" with this L shoulder that may be an issue in all of this stuff.  That L shoulder is the same one that grabbed a bit during my FMS test with Kevin on Wed, which I found odd at the time as it has not bothered me noticeably at all. It is the shoulder however the "pops" once in a while in the sense of stretching it on the foam roller, doing Indian Clubs, etc.  It is less stable than my R due to the falls on it from several years ago.  I know for sure it has created some asymmetries.  KB work has brought tremendously more stability and strength, but this is interesting indeed.  By mid afternoon, this feeling had also dissipated.  Very interesting.

Have had my kids all weekend and we did a bunch of activities all morning and then went to the lake in the afternoon.  We did some bike riding practice and they wanted me to jog along as they rode their bikes.  In the back of my mind I didn't want to do it, due to this low back shit, but I had been moving around playing with them, and hell most of the time lately the issues seem mostly to do with putting external load on my body (KBs).  I wanted them to have fun so I played along.  Probably ended up running a mile or so, which of course I have done plenty of running in my time but its' not something that is in my training any more at all.  I don't really miss it though it does feel good to run.  I was trying to pay attention to anything coming up and didn't notice anything at all with my back.  I did notice my R knee and calve feeling very tight, which is something very familiar to me from the running days, that's an old pattern.  Fortunately I don't think I did this long enough to really make a big impact on the body one way or another, so that's good.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.  Did some mobility work this evening on my feet and including a lacrosse ball to stretch my plantar and that felt good.

Ended the time with the kids at the lake by getting in some pull-ups and push-ups.  Honestly - felt great.  Hanging from the rings to stretch the lats and shoulders has been key, and these movements have been feeling good to me lately.  These pull-ups were extremely strong, best in quite some time, that's a reflection of doing less lifting lately as I am probably a bit more fresh in some ways.  I think the body-weight work is really what I need to be doing right now.

Hanging from rings

6 pull-ups (rings)
5 Push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 Push-ups

4 pull-ups
5 Push-ups

4 pull-ups
5 Push-ups

3 pull-ups
5 Push-ups

Total pull-ups - 21, up from 20 last week.  Very strong.

Hanging from rings

Mobility work and stretching this evening.  Going for a long brisk walk tomorrow evening after I drop the kids off to Jill.  Haven't been able to get one in since Tuesday this week due to the kids' schedule and I am looking forward to it.

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