Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/8/15 Wednesday April 8, 2015 (DB FSQ ladder - PR)

8:00am - FMS drills (belly breathing, soft tissue work, t-spine, 1/2 kneeling) - 30 minutes

8:30am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 16kg, 1+1, x 2
Crooked Arm bar 16kg with 3 presses and rotations, 1/1
16kg TK windmill drill, 4/4

24kg TGU with high bridges x 2/2
24kg SLDL , 3/3

BREAK - driving back to Seattle

4:30pm - some mobility work, focused on the hips

5:00pm- Training session - DB FSQ ladder - PR

16kg TGU with high bridges x 2/2
16kg windmill practice, 3/3 (done very cautiously due to oblique strain)
20kg BU SQ, 1/1

20kg 2H SW, 10

24kg DB FSQ, 5
32kg DB FSQ, 2
28kg DB FSQ, 3

30 reps - PR on DB 32kgs, awesome

DB 28kgs farmer carry, 1 minute
DB 32kgs farmer carry, 1 minute
DB 24kgs farmer carry, 1 minute

5;40pm - Complete

7:15pm - deep tissue massage

Notes - All in all, very good here.  Woke up feeling good after a night's rest, and the mobility and light KB work in the morning felt very good.  Feel like the minor oblique strain is definitely getting better, and am just focused on stretching it appropriately, but definitely not overdoing it.  Drove back to Seattle from Portland mid day, and then got to work in the afternoon on the main training for the day.  Went very cautiously on the windmills, and I have to say, it just doesn't feel quite right.  I really focused on getting into my hip and glute and that helped.  Obviously feeling this in the lower back would be wrong, and so I was very vigilant about keeping a straight let under the bell and getting into the hip, but still, it just doesn't feel quite right.  I need to revisit this with Kevin.  Could be over concern given the minor strain I think I picked up when I practiced these for the first time last week.  I also think my hamstrings are too damn tight, and inner quads as well, which is inhibiting my ability to do this correctly.  I am frustrated but will continue to try and work on those areas to improve flexibility and mobility for this lift.  In any event, I didn't do anything stupid.  A win there.   Got into the DB FSQs and noticed that my traps were lighting up, which I did not like.  I should have been feeling this more in the lats and glutes.  I think all of the driving in the car and then trying to jump into this training session was a major challenge on the body.  Also, snatching on Monday which is tough on the traps could have an impact.  Or hell it could be the oblique thing which is throwing stuff off.  In any event damn it I was getting pissed but re-focused, really focused, on the glutes and lats, zipping up at the top of each rep, and staying tight in the rack.  I was able to take the pressure off the traps I felt in the first set, but never felt totally right.  I decided that 3 rounds was good, you take what you can get sometimes and live to train another day.  Did not want to do something stupid here.  A bonus is that I definitely have not done DB FSQs with 32kgs and I nailed 6 reps with those babies, including the DB CL into the rack which honestly were all very smooth, I was not jerking the bells, was not banging them into my shoulders, it was all pretty good I think.  Ending with some DB farmers felt great on the shoulders actually.  I also intermixed a lot of hanging from my balcony during this session to try and stretch out those lats and get some pressure off the traps that I felt in the first set, and that was good too.  Ended the day by going to my massage therapist for a deep tissue massage which I sure as hell needed.  That was excellent. We'll see how we go the next few days.  I am off from work so that helps.  

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