Friday, August 15, 2014

8/15/14 Friday August 15, 2014 (training with Kevin)

5:45am - FMS drills (belly breathing, soft tissue work, t-spine, 1/2 kneeling) - 15 minutes

6:00am - Training with Kevin

7:15am -Finish

Notes - Good training day with Kevin.  Worked on some mobility, various push-up drills which I liked, some things to get me ready for 1-arm push-ups.  Shoulder touches, lizard push ups, etc.  Did some TGUs with the 20kg and 24kg, elbow lock is much improved.  Practiced some dead lifting, going to use some heavy bells to practice DLs in the next cycle.  It should help the press foundation (tight glutes, spread the floor with the feet, etc.).  Did a bunch of practice with DB PR - 20kg and 24kg, sets of 2, 3, 5. Practicing the clean to get right into a press position without having to move the bells around.  Focus on pressing forearms into the bells and pushing through the sticking point.  Did various SW, 2H with the 24kg, and then did some DB SW with 24kgs.  We are turning our attention to a strength cycle now, I am excited, going to be doing some doubles work and a big snatch day each week.  Let's get ready for November Vancouver BC SFG cert.

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