Wednesday, July 2, 2014

7/2/14 Wednesday July 2, 2014 (DB 24kg FSQ)

7:00am - FMS drills (belly breathing, soft tissue work, t-spine, 1/2 kneeling), some OS resets - 45 minutes

7:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 2+2

8:00am - Training session - Focus on DB 24kg FSQs

Arm hangs from the balcony

24kg TGU 1/1, x 5
DB 24kg DL, 5, x 2
24 kg GSq, 5
24kg SL DL, 3/3
24kg Hike/Swing/Park, 5 singles
24kg TK PR, 2/2

15 minutes:
DB 24kgs FSQ, 2, 3, 5

Got in 3 rounds, plus an additional 2, 3 for a total of  35 reps in 15 minutes

24kg waiter's walk carries, 1 minute, 1/1

Arm hangs from the balcony

8:35am - Complete

Notes - What can I say.  I can't remember where I read this, maybe it was Mark Reifkind on his blog or somewhere else, but you lay in waiting for training days like this.  I felt like a total animal on these squats.  Best squatting I have ever done, I think this may be a PR and it came just a little bit out of nowhere given the road back I have been on the last month.  Well, I do know where it came from a little bit.  Taking steps back, getting my head straight, focusing on rest, recovery, sleep, nutrition, mobility.   Notice I did not say - focusing on my training!  I am starting to realize albeit slowly here that all of these other factors are just so critical to success and progress.  It's never been an issue for me to "do the work / do the training" as I always show up.  I enjoy it.  But clearly I have not taken care of the time outside of training like I really am capable, so that I can maximize my time and make more consistent progress.  I think I had better refer to this post in the future when I get off track.  In any event, felt good this morning, did a variety of warm up movements and went by feel.  The TGUs were to get some weight overhead on a day when I wasn't focused on OH movements, just to get that groove greased.  I was very pleased with the feel on the hike/swing/parks as I have not been swinging at all for a month to let this right arm and forearm come back around.  I have to say, I think I am close now, time to do some short sets of swings and see how that feels.  Encouraging.  Also noticed on the TK PR practice that these reps went up very quickly, noticeably quick on the speed.  Interesting, and a good sign.  Really trying to press from the lat and keep that shoulder down.  As to the FSQs, just damn good for me and I am getting better.  Very solid cleans, focusing on "cleaning to the waist" so as to not overclean the bells and have the arc go too far away from me.  The cue is working.  Very solid cleans, this is excellent, particularly with DB 24kgs.  Squats were deep, strong, no where close to failure even on the sets of 5.  Honestly I could have pushed and gotten more as I finished with 30 seconds on the clock for 15 minutes, and told myself that was more than good enough for today, it's not time to get greedy.  I won't proclaim to be all the way back until I am snatching again with some authority (for me), but it feels good to get this accomplished today.  Now time to focus on rest and recovery before Friday morning's next session with a DB 24kg complex with a push press focus.

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