Friday, April 11, 2014

4/11/14 Friday April 11, 2014 (24/28/32 kg PPR ladders, 24 kg SN ladders)

6:00am - Original Strength and Primal Move - 40 minutes

6:40am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1
Crooked arm bar 12kg, 3+3 with press

6:55am - Training session - Focus on 24/28/32 kg Push Press (PPR) ladders, 24kg SN 3/6/9 ladders

24kg TGU , 2/2
24kg SL DL, 5/5
DB 32kg DL, 5

5x of the following ladders:

PPR 24kg, 3/3
PPR 28kg, 2/2
PPR 32kg, 1/1

30 reps per arm on the PPR

24kg SN ladders, 3/3, 6/6, 9/9 x 4 sets = 144 reps.  Took about 16 minutes.

7:45am - Complete

Notes -  Didn't sleep much.  Kids woke me up at 3:45am, got them back to bed right away, but I could not get back to sleep really and just "rested" until I forced myself up around 6am.  Actually felt ok though and warm up was good, I had a feeling it would be a pretty good day.  Probably because I love this training session, a combination of push presses and snatches and you know you are going to be working hard, in a good way.  Push presses were going up well.  Took time to practice the cleans, and as with last week I transferred the bell between arms and didn't set it down, increasing the time under tension.  Noticed the cleans were flying up with the 24kg and the 28kg, interesting to see that. Of course the 32kg is heavier.  On the snatches also noticed the bell was flying up on the hip snap, very interesting, I think that is the most power I have had coming out of the backswing ever with snatches.  Knew 4th set was going to be a challenge but I wanted that additional volume this week, this is the last training day before a deload week, and it was time to push it a little bit.  Good stuff.  Hands holding up pretty well too, pumice stone has really worked well for me.  Looking forward to a delaod, it has been a very productive 3 week cycle and I definitely have learned and improved on some things.

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