Saturday, March 22, 2014

3/21/14 Friday March 21, 2014 (training with Kevin)

Checked my training log and I last trained with Kevin on Wed Feb 19- about a month ago.

Slept in more than I intended, didn't warm up enough, but did warm up some.

6:35am - Training session with Kevin.  We did some primal move to get warmed up.

As usual this was a good session.  We warmed up with some mobility, bar hangs, learned some t-spine drills, and then practiced crooked arm bars with presses and got some improved technique which was good.  Worked on some TGUs, rolling to elbow only, and various cues to really drive that foot into the ground, drive the hip over, pull with the arm etc.  I think those will continue to help and I will keep refining that TGU to the point where I can nail reps with the 36kg on the L side which has been giving me trouble.

We trained some double front squat with the 24kgs, everything looked good there, Kevin was pleased.  We played a little with keeping my toes pointing out slightly instead of right straight ahead.  Also getting to parallel but not going to far into the hole.

We trained some double swings with the 24kg, felt weird as my R wrist was clicking on the reps, parked the bells and tried to work that out.  Very strange indeed though I noticed this one early this week on a rep doing 1H SW on Tuesday.  I think some things are a little off there.  After this session I had my chiropractor adjust the wrist which seemed to help.  I need to keep releasing the tight spots in the traps, biceps, forearms etc. because I just think everything is a bit tight and the wrist is responding.  Also Kevin advised me to hold on the bell on all swings and not let go at the float which I do on every single rep.  He pointed out that can pull on the wrist, and for now I need to practice keeping a hold of the bell.  It might tax my grip but this will be improved for the wrist on swings.  I am going to follow that advice for certain.

We did a variety of tall kneeling presses with the 24kg, which were good.  These are going to come back into the training plan again.  This is a good movement and deceptively challenging.

Lastly we did some push-presses with the 24kg and then the 32kg for practice, to try and get this movement back. I thought that was good and look forward to sets of these with the 32kg.

7:50am -  Good stuff.  The wrist clicking surprised me but I don't think this is anything as long as I address it, follow Kevin's advice on swings, etc.  I did not notice anything whatsoever on cleans, squats, presses.  Probably a great idea to keep a hold of the bell for all reps and not do the grip / let go / regrip that I have been doing, though that will be a little bit of a habit to break.

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