Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2/12/14 Wednesday February 12, 2014 (36kg chain SW / CL / FSq)

6:15am - Original Strength and Primal Move - 30 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
16kg Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm
Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1

7:00am - Training session - Focus on TGUs, 36 kg chain SW, CL, FSq

TGU 16kg, 1+1
TGU 24kg, 1+1
TGU 32kg, 1+1

GSq 32kg, 10

Chain with 36 kg:

SW, CL, Fsq - 3 / 3

(15 reps total of each movement) (same as last 2 weeks)

7:30am - Complete

Notes -  Felt good today.  I had some body work done by my acupuncturist yesterday, lot of good work done on my lats and traps, and triceps.  Really, really was needed and made a huge difference.  I did feel a little bit run done in one sense when I started off, mainly because of all this soft tissue work I have been undertaking (chiro, some massage, the bodywork but mainly the 3x per week intense chiro I am doing for 12 weeks to improve the extension in my neck takes some out of the CNS, lot of things are changing).  With all of that said, strong getups today, getting better at the roll to elbow, strong lockout with the 32kg.  It's not light, but it doesn't feel unwieldy heavy either.  Did the chains with the 36kg, probably the main things I noticed were: very strong swings, rooted nicely.  My notes have not indicated it but I typically do "2" swings on the first set of the chain, one from the ground to get started and then one full rep before cleaning the bell.  I am looking forward to training sets of 1H SW with the 36kg soon.  Absolutely I am ready for it and I know I could hit 100 reps in 5 minutes with that bell for sure.  Another thing, really tried to "get tight" primarily after the clean, before the descent into the squat.  Squeezed the shit out of the bell, with both hands (still using the off hand on the squats, I just feel it is prudent particularly because these chains are hard as hell on the grip).  I got a little bit of insight from an article I head on the Strong First blog by Andy Bolton about "getting tight."  This is a skill I definitely have been working on for a long time but I am going to really try and take it to another level.  By squeezing the bell, tensing the glutes, quads and trying to fire the lats, the squats were by far the strongest and easiest I have done with this bell.  So that was some good stuff.  A 36kg is still a heavy bastard though, maybe it always will be for me but I certainly look forward to trying to make it feel lighter over time.

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