Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1/8/14 Wednesday January 8, 2014 (DB 24kg complex, SN 20kg 5 mins / 100 reps)

6:25am - Original Strength and Primal Move - 30 minutes

6:55am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm

Arm bar 12 kg, 1+1

7:10am - Training session - Focus on DB CL / PR / Sq 24 kgs complex, SN 20 kg for 5 mins / 100 reps

TGU 24kg, 2+2

GSq 24 kg, 10

DB 24 kgs "armor building" complex - CL 2, PR 1, SQ 3 for 15 minutes, AMRAP

Started, did 1 full set, my kids woke up, so I got them settled then decided to re-start the clock fresh for 15 mins.

Then got 12 sets total in 15 minutes - 24 DB CL, 12 DB PR, 36 DB SQ total (PR) (11 sets last week)

SN 20 kg 10/10 each minute for 5 minutes (100 reps total) without setting the bell down (PR)

7:45am - Complete

Notes -  This was tough, tough business today.  I did get PRs in both work sets, the armor building complex and the snatching, so in that sense, cool day.  But I had to push very hard for this and it was not easy.  Particularly with the snatching I determined going into it I was not going to set the damn bell down, and I didn't, so that was a major achievement.  I think it took me at least 10 minutes after the set to fully catch my breath.  I went pretty evenly, noting I did 10/10 in about 45 seconds and then would try and pause at lockout for several seconds, stalling time, in later sets I would take a few swings back and forth between hands or rest in lockout, and then resume.  I finished with about 15 seconds to spare.  Had I gone all out to get the 100 swings I think I would have done it in sub 4 minutes, possibly quite a bit below 4 minutes.  I was also being pretty careful with potential hand issues from a small blister I picked up yesterday on my ring finger on the R hand, down by the where the finger meets the hand. Covered it up and also decided to use the cut-off socks on the hands for snatching.  That seemed like a good idea, kept things ok with no further issues.  I prefer not to use those generally but I still felt like I had good control of the bell today.  Need a big day of recovery tomorrow before snatching the 24kg on Friday.

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