Wednesday, September 25, 2013

9/25/13 Wednesday September 13, 2013 (DB 24 kg complex)

5:40am - Original Strength, Primal Move drills - 45 minutes (quite a bit of extra time needed with the foam roll and lacrosse ball.  Right trap, both hips, lower back, right quad very tight, still layover from running on Sunday I believe)

6:25am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - shoulder cam shafts, each arm 16 kg
12kg armbars - 1 L, 1 R

6:40am - Training session -DB Sq 24 kgs complex

Warm up -
TGU 24kg, 2X 1+1
GSq 24 kg, 5

DB 24 kgs Complex - 20 minutes timed

Got 6X of the following:
DB CL, 3
DB PR, 3
DB Sq, 3

Got 1X of the following:
DB CL, 3
DB PR, 3 (3rd rep way too hard)
DB Sq, 2

Finished with 3X of the following for the last sets:
DB CL, 3
DB PR, 2
DB Sq, 2

Pace for the first 6X was 1 minute work, 1 minute rest.  At the 8:00 minute mark remaining I took 30 extra seconds for 7X.  Then again went at 5:00 for 8X.  Then 2:30 for 9X.  Then 1:00 for 10X.

DB CL - 30
DB PR - 27
DB SQ - 26

7:10am - Complete

Notes -  Interesting day.  So I was up earlier than I have been due to work though this is frankly when I should be training, so I need to get back in that groove of time.  However I took forever to get loose - was very tight I think mainly from running 3-4 miles Sunday even more than Monday's 28 kg complex session.  Once I got into the main training though as you can see I ran into issues after 12 minutes and had to drop down some reps so I did not sacrifice quality.  I did feel my technique was better than last week, so that was good.  Really tried to root hard on those presses.  I need to dominate this weight and I am staying at 24 kgs for this complex until I dominate 10 sets of 3/3/3 and have plenty of gas left in the tank.

Had a huge appetite today and ate like a horse.

Need to get loose and spend more time with Primal Move in the morning and night.  Have mainly been doing OS resets which are great but some of the PM stuff I think will help with this tightness.

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