Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/23/13 Wednesday January 23, 2013

6:00am - Joint mobility drills - 45 minutes

6:45am - Kettlebell warm up ("Standard")

1/2K halos - 8kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 12 kg, 5X each leg

1/2K halos - 12kg, 4X each side / each leg (total 16X)
1/2K pullover - 16 kg, 5X each leg
Roll to press (TGU start) - 16 kg shoulder cam shafts, each arm

7:15am - Training session with Ross - Focus on heavy 1H SW

Warm up -

TGU 20kg, 2 L, 2 R
TGU 24kg, L/R
TGU 28kg, L/R

DB DL 44 kg,  2X (5), 1H alternating, 5 L/R (felt "light")
TK PR with 20kg, 5 L/R
DB BU Sq 20 kg, 2

We then worked a variety of principally 1H SW.  20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 kg bells.  It went something like this:

1H SW, 20 kg, 10 L/R
1H SW, 24 kg, 5 L/R
CL, 24 kg, 5 L/R using a "slide step" technique that Ross taught me to move feet during the clean so that there is no movement after the rack.
CL, 28 kg, 5 L/R
C&PPR, 24 kg, 2X (5 L/R)

We then practiced quite a few hike/parks with the 28, 32, 36 and 40 kg bells, mixing in single SW after the hike/marks.  This was just to get a "feel" for the heavy bells.

8:30am - Complete

Notes -
Good session, a technical session.  I had spent a ton of time on the foam roller the previous evening, very long joint mobility session before training today as my traps were feeling it from Monday/Tuesday and particularly the pulled R trap from SN on Tuesday.  Largely I had worked that out through the foam rolling / joint mobility work and this did not hinder training today.  The slide step on the CL will be extremely useful.  Need to keep working the heavy SW so that everything else (SN for example) with lighter bells feels easy.

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