Friday, August 25, 2017

8/25/17 Friday August 25, 2017 (training with Kevin)

6:15am - Training with Kevin

Good to see Kevin today.  We started with foam rolling, then did some segmental rolling.  Went over issues I have been having with the adductors and illiac crest on the L side (old patterns).  We worked on some TGUs and identified that I have been using a narrow stance with the front leg, probably due to pelvis issues.  Widened out the stance by moving the front leg out in the tall kneeling position, this helped.  We then did some tall kneeling halos, which will focus on connecting the hips and shoulders.  Not putting too much pressure on the front leg.  Trying to be set up over the hip. We then started worked on various swings and the big finding of the day is that my stance seemed to be too wide in swings, which was causing a decrease in power.  Too wide of a stance has been problematic for me in the past and the cause of adductor issues - looks like this has cropped up again.  Also identified that I was moving my knees before my hip hinge out of the float, which pulls on the back - basically my damn swings were off.  This may have been the result of doing heavy swings for some time and form getting a bit off.  We drilled and drilled with just a 24kg and I started to get that hip hinge back, snap out of the hole, good float.  Have to remind myself to wait, wait, wait out of the float and then hips move back first as the bell comes to the crotch (play chicken).  Did the same thing with snatches.  Significantly improved power.  Also did some double bell cleans, see saws, and front squats, using a slower technique, really focusing on the hip hinge as the bells drop out the rack.  WAIT for the bells before hinging.

Going to do a 2 week cycle where we focus on some basics (cleans, see saws, front squats) with double bells, and swings, making sure I have the technique down.  Hope I can turn this around because things definitely feel pretty shitty currently.

7:15am - End

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