Friday, February 3, 2017

2/2/17 Wednesday February 2, 2017 (training with Kevin)

5:50am - Primal move and stretching

6:10am - Training with Kevin

Good training session.  Did some foam rolling, started out by doing some arm bars with the 16kg.  TGUs including a press at the tall kneeling position and overhead position with a 16kg.  24kg 2H SW, 48kg DLs, DB 12kgs batwings, back and forth.  Then practiced some pressing, 24kg, 28kg, 32kg.  DB 24kg FSQ.  We then went for pressing the 40kg, nailed it on both sides, the best and most explosive that the 40kg press has gone for me.  We then went for the 44kg, on the R side, decent clean, didn't move the bell much off the shoulder.  Rested, tried it on the L side, great clean, I damn near got the press.  Kevin said I was about one or two centimeters away.  This is a great sign, I just need to keep going with the training plan and I believe I will be pressing that 44kg.

Learning points, we spent a lot of time talking about foot placement, and ensuring that the big toe is drilled into the ground with the ball of the foot.  Kevin thought I may have been putting more weight on the outside parts of my feet in the swing and press, which takes away strength and could have been firing up the knee and adductors in a bad way.  I tried out the cues and it noticeably helped.  Very surprising sometimes that the smallest details make a huge difference, but I should know this by now.  I remember reading in a book by Geoff Neupert how critical the big toe is.  This is another big (re) discovery for me of a technique improvement that should help me propel forward.

Next training cycle is going to include 2 days a week of pressing, 1 day of push pressing the 40kg.  Spread out the pressing a bit more.  More conditioning.  Doubles with the 36kg to start, and then we are going to move to a double MP, then clean the bell, then press for a 3rd rep.  We'll finish with triples with the 36kg.  This should be challenging but I am at a point where I strongly believe I can do this without missing any reps.  Keep slogging away.

7:20am - End

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