Sunday, November 22, 2015

11/21/15 Saturday November 21, 2015 (pull-ups + push-ups + carries)


1 pull-up
2 push-ups

2 pull-ups
2 push-ups

3 pull-ups
2 push-ups

DB 24kg farmer carry, about 2 minutes, 2x

Notes - Writing this very late Saturday.  Got some training in with the kids in the late afternoon in very cold weather at the lake (sub 40 degrees) which in hindsight was problematic.  I had been moving around all day and felt pretty warmed up and ready to go, so I didn't take much of a warm-up (and it was cold and I wanted to get in and out of there).  In hindsight, I have significantly increased the volume of my overhead work lately and in particular this week. I needed to warm up my shoulders and I didn't do it.  As a result, during the middle set on a pull-up I felt a grab in my R lower trap, base of the R lower neck, an old injury spot.  Man I was super pissed.  Got home, did some soft tissue and other mobility work, and it has been responding well so hopefully this comes and goes, just part of training.  I am not certain with my current training schedule if I even need to be doing this overhead work on the weekends, or even push-ups, given plenty of volume for the upper body.  If anything I think it would make more sense to do a few swings and do some fast walking for a long walk.  I will discuss with Kevin.  I love pull-ups but they seem to be causing me some issues lately, which is odd.  I was on a very, very long run with them that was highly productive but just not feeling it right now.  The pull-ups today, just going up to a max set of 3, were not easy.  I felt fatigued.  I have been working very diligently to get the kettlebell work back up to speed, particularly working on the overhead press and now snatching too, so honestly probably no need to be caught up in pull-ups and push-ups right now.  Other body weight work like some crawling or other stuff could be good, with some swings, and a walk.  Will discuss with Kevin.  Just hoping that grab passes on.  Will stay up on mobility and recovery work, I have a deep tissue massage scheduled on Tuesday evening, perfect timing.

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