Saturday, September 19, 2015

9/19/15 Saturday September 19, 2015 (weighted pull-ups, push-ups, DB 32kg carries)

Writing this on Saturday night.  Got this done in the afternoon after an entire morning and early afternoon of soccer, coaching both of my kids' teams.  Tiring! This is going to be my next 7 weeks as well so I had better get used to it!  Not going to be the time to push training on the weekends.  Best to keep it short and sweet.

Hanging from rings

2 pull-ups (rings)
5 push-ups

3 pull-ups
5 push-ups

5 pull-ups
5 push-ups

Weighted pull-ups, with an 8kg KB, 2 (one less rep than last week)

Weighted pull-ups with a 12kg KB, 2, x 5 (same as last week, originally I was going to do 6 sets of 2 but decided early on not to push anything today)

12 reps total for weighted pull-ups, down one from last week)

10 push-ups

Break for a 15 minutes

DB 32kg farmer carries, 4 sets, about 90 seconds or more for each set (up one set from last week)

My left elbow was barking just a little bit on a few reps, so I wanted to lay back and not push.  Actually felt good on the farmer carries.  I have noted in my training logs that my elbows are getting some pretty consistent work between snatching, push-ups, swings, weighted pull-ups etc. so it's worth noting.  A bit of lacrosse ball and other mobility work is in order.  Not a huge deal but nonetheless something to focus on.  I think the barking is actually more coming from the L shoulder, that is usually the case.  Some focused recovery work will help.  Overall though, feeling great about things and it was nice to squeeze this into what was a very busy day honestly.

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